
“Relish at the opportunity”? Every time these jerks demand English be spoken, we should snap back, “You first.”

Partial antidote, maybe? Spellcheck gifted you with “partial anecdote” (paragraph 3).

the guy was a Bernie supporter

Butter + sugar or no grits for me

I like savoury (butter swoon!). But my grandmother (born 1916) ate it with sugar and milk almost every morning for nearly 50 years, so I’ve tried sweet. It reminds me of cream of wheat.

And also, sorry sorry sorry — I forgot to make clear that first paragraph above is a quote from the ever-noble Noble Renard.

If this woman has a private attorney that is looking into a lawsuit, and you find out about it, you should absolutely call up that attorney and let him know about that phone call.

Boswell, who is married with three children...

Sorry, yes of course you are 100% correct: he was absolutely born in Hawaii — that “know for a fact” line was my being snarky/snotty/sarcastic.

I feel Huma and Hilary would have had that behind the scenes information, but a presidential campaign was more important than doing the right thing. That’s my two cents...

Re: natural-born citizenship — The birthers claim that inherited citizenship doesn’t apply to Obama because the law at the time required his mother to have resided in the US for at least 5 years after the age of 14, and since she was only 18 when she gave birth, and they know for a fact that happened outside the U.S.,

Because she did not, according to the article, actually try to run him off the road? I concede she was threatening (banging on window, blocking car in drive), but she’s being overcharged.

Or let’s not pretend that white women don’t have a race problem too, but instead of trying to convince black women who know better #notallwhitewomen. Go talk to that white lady who voted for Trump because they sure as hell are not gonna talk to me.

If I were Hillary Clinton, I’d say, “Tell your bitch-ass president to keep my name out of his mouth before I teabag him like Vladimir only with my kitty heel.”

So you’re just going to ignore that over half of white women who voted did so for Trump?

Women did vote it’s just that 53% of white ones...I won’t ruin it for you.

Race is only a problem in this country to those who make it an issue. Namely those who can benefit from it by trying to find ways that they can make any incident have a racial lean to it.

There is no one in this world who wakes up thinking (minus like a couple actual psychopaths)

First things first. that picture is NOT a 15 year old... maybe when he was 10.

Milo Yiannopoulos, pedophilia advocate, Announces New Media Venture Dedicated to Bullying Feminists, Journalists, BLM Activists