I love that weird big pink fucker in Dragonball Z!
I love that weird big pink fucker in Dragonball Z!
Yes, this is awesome!
If you haven't, make sure you check out 'Extra Terrestrian: Die Ausserirdische' in which E.T. is a girl! And travels to Victorian times to get her fuck on!
The first half of 8mm is dope as. That seedy Hardcore 2.0 look into the LA underground porn scene with Joaquin Phoenix as the guide. Awesome. But then it kinda devolves into this hacky mid-90s Silence of the lamb ripoff and it's a tad trite.
Yeah it's sweet as. I reckon give it another go!
This was a very fun and entertaining read!
Love to see Alex back on the telly beat.
Straight up.
Bring in compulsory voting and nix all the guns.
Problem solved.
The trick is to freeze them, and then you can slip off the membrane stuck between the onions bits and it will adhere correctly to the batter.
I don't know Tiffany, but she sounds like a stupid bitch.
Good point, but Wild at Heart also had some of that heartbreaking sincerity. Sherilyn Fenns cameo for one.
It's like the Godfather, but better!
I'm like 6'6 and wear my hair 'up' in a pompy quiff type situation because I'm an arsehole.
And maybe check out 'A touch of Cloth' starring John Hannah from a few years back. Freaking hilarious.
The bus that couldn't slow down.
Yeah Piece of Me is the correct answer, but Toxic goes hard as.
That's what we call an 'Aussie' Pizza.
Why all the pearls? Why all the hair? Why anything?
Last night got pissed with the misses and ate some hoagies, watched the Community paintball episodes.
@DukeWhiteThin:disqus This came off snarky, and I don't mean to reign on your parade, but I couldn't resist!