Comment/username synergy!
Comment/username synergy!
Wonderful trailer!
Love me some Joan of Arc.
Dude that fucking ankle slash goddamn.
A while back I cooked a bunch of recipes from Seinfeld.
I'd never had Pasta Primavera before, and it was dope as.
Grilled spring veggies tossed with olive oil and lemon with some bow tie.
Highly recommended.
Yeah I did.
And I really enjoyed it!
Does anything from se3 contradict it yet though?
Good take.
Honestly, between this stinkhole and Andy Richters twitter thats kinda where I do get most of my US news.
Wonderful discussion.
Very insightful um, insights.
Can't wait to read more going forwards.
For fucks sakes.
It is far too rare for fellas to, god forbid, actually give a toss about the video game adaptation of whatever the fuck. Good on 'em for giving a fuck.
Great book.
I loved how the breaking point was Courtney Love indefinitely crashing at their incubator.
The Pink Room is amazing.
Jesus Christ just watch the fucker, it's not youse have anything better to do.
Oh man, the Twin Peaks reddit has a pretty thorough investigation on it if you can be bothered trawling through. I cannot wait to see how it ties in, or doesn't.
Yeah it's hella dope. And apparently there's a sequel coming out later this year.
Nah you're right, 42 states is a shitload plus the Bahamas is an island right?
His hair is looking amazing.
It's awesome that a film with such an inconsequential plot has so many interpretations to the point of abstraction. It's like, who gives a shit about a fucking unicorn origami when there's a pyramid that breathes fire or whatever.
Sorry buddy, seems the lawyers are quick today.