
Speaking of cookbooks and recipes. Has anyone noticed that you can’t just pull up a recipe anymore. There is always a 3 page long backstory before you get to the recipe.

first tell lifehacker to stop calling everything a “hack”, its not everyone knows it. stop click baiting.

If I remember correctly, that’s one of the many scenes meant to show Ryan as an obnoxious poser.

the 90-yarder is the best because Williams had the safety lined up per usual 20 yards back and Odell still ran by him like the safety was Gregg and Odell was a head coaching job

Wasn’t Rio Rancho one of the housing developments in “Glengarry Glen Ross”?

Does anyone know what happened to Mr. Brown?
Either he’s alive, or he’s dead, or the Pats got him...or they don’t.

And I looked back and saw only one set of footprints in the sand, and I asked God, “Why, when I needed you most, why did you abandon me?” God replied, “No, Antonio, it was then that I carried you. Because you cryogenically froze your fucking feet. This was one month ago! How do you not remember this?

And then somehow ends up on the Patriots

Look out, man. Lisa Blair, 26 East 7th St., apartment 16, 555-4817, BOOM!

It would have the side effect of destroying the universe in an expanding bubble traveling at the speed of light, which is why she suggested not to do that.

Ever heard of La Chancla?

He apparently told cops he pulled his pants down during the WSOP because he had lost a bet.

Get your gas at Costco. They don’t even have a bucket to wash your windows with to help keep the line going.

Yes. The most common lead is 1, and that’s always the worst lead. So if you have the choice between having an even lead and an odd lead, you should always choose even.

Same reason I always order a shot with my beer. Can't get drunk on whiskey if you're buying beer. It's just math. 

Bill Belichick will sign him next week and he'll be a three-time All-Pro for New England

So, just to be clear, you’re not going to believe the story about Omar until you see some evidence, but you’re taking people at their word that Trump is a rapist. And you don’t see the contradiction there? (For the record, I am not a Trump supporter. I’m just someone who has the same standards for both sides.)

This is right on time. My job is crushing my soul and my self esteem. It helps to read the comments and not feel so alone.

Their transporter effect was one of the most memorable bits of magic I’ve ever experienced. Literally smoke and lights and mirrors, but damn if I didn’t feel like I went somewhere new.
Getting to walk around the Enterprise and Bridge was also fantastic. And they had booze at Quarks which is evident by looking at me in

Everybody’s freaking out over Luck retiring but Romo did it and nobody really blamed him for it.