So I can tell there's at least 29 kinja ppl who CF. Nice.
So I can tell there's at least 29 kinja ppl who CF. Nice.
Cindy, all day every day.
Ugh, those are the WORST.
He totally Murphs , bro.
WOD are you talking about?
Bro, do you even Fran?
Yeah I’m going to guess you don’t know anything about competitive weight lifting, and have no idea that he’s wearing shoes specifically f0r lifting weights.
In Soviet Russia robbery victim shoots you!
If I were he, my entire family would disown me for telling this story every 45 minutes.
So if you look into her traffic stop, she was driving without a license plate. She was one of those “sovereign citizen” types who doesn’t believe in laws and thinks police have no rights to do anything, so she had some cardboard license plate saying that cops have no authority over her and any who impede her freedom…
From the information provided, I can’t find the loss here.
Ugh. She sounds like a Bundy.
Umm yea that's a terrible idea, no one's life should be held to any different standard that's exactly what the entire basis for this issue is.. Overcompensating won't fix anything.
The headline is sneaky and misleading—it makes it sound like ANOTHER poor black woman was killed by the horrible police. Meanwhile, she’s pointing a gun at them—which, black or white, is likely to get you killed. Come on, jezebel. Why are you trying to escalate things?
From what I understand, Gaines was trying to use her son as a human shield. ThinkProgress wrote that, “According to [Baltimore Police Chief] Johnson and spokeswoman Elise Armacost, police knocked on the door to no avail, even though they heard people inside. When they obtained a key from a landlord, an officer walked…
Ok she shot at cops and used her son as a human sheild...fuck this shit
This headline is rubbing me the wrong way - it insinuates that this is somehow on par with other senseless murders. You can’t point a gun at the cops, I mean, what the fuck.
Good for Michael Jordan. Maybe now he will stop crying so much.
A few years back, I wrote about a game called Dead Century, which looked very cool. The bad news: its Kickstarter…
I agree with the “No Hillary” and the hybrid sticker. More gas for me :) .