Already out. Enjoy it.
Already out. Enjoy it.
Geez I wonder why. Oh yeah a groomer actor. This has nothing to do with ticket prices or the movie being garbage. You know how many crap movies out there still turn a profit? This is DC deciding to keep a mentally ill groomer in the movie.
I’ll keep my 8500 watt duel fuel generator I grabbed at Costco for $799. $15 in propane can run the entire house, AC and all for 10 hours.
Has the atrocious dark souls mechanics been removed?
That’s the biggest question that wasn’t answered. The dark souls mechanics are fucking atrocious.
Good god no one except the 0.001% actually gives a shit. Harry Potter fan, so I’ll play the game. JK doesn’t support trannies. So what. I don’t agree with pedos but I’ll blast the shit out of some Micheal Jackson.
Seriously. These people bitching will either buy the books, watch the movies, go to the theme park. They will even say they won’t go Hogwarts but their ticket price still contributes to whatever cut JK gets. Fucking morons.
God damn just shut the fuck up.
First off, Disneyland sucks. Always has. So it’s no surprise shit is broken there. Disney World on the other hand, nothing has changed. Still awesome for the family. Also, everything is more expensive these days thanks to that fuck head pedo in office. You want a great experience at Disney? Get a group together and…
Do you yell at people when they walk on your parents lawn too? This is the equivalent of my father 13 years ago refusing to accept online retail and vehemently believe the majority of people want to come into the store. Him and the owners failed to see the writing on the wall and found out the hard way.
Found the full time racist warrior.
Except it is. This has been known for years.
Who fucking gives a shit. Who’s the racist here that has correlated the 19th and apes? Hmmmm
Exactly. Bunch of Melvin fucks in this comment section peddling this garbage. They have to cover and they haven’t. Cuban even said that during the AMA. They HAVE TO or risk going out of business. They will not allow that to happen.
It’s not the point. Citron and Melvin Capital have to cover their losses. We called their bluff and they are paying for it. They are stuck. The company doesn’t matter at this point. It’s war between WSB and these two companies.
Easily. GME is only going up. Jump aboard we are going to $400.
Fuck Citron and Melvin Capital. We aren’t stopping until it hits $400. Far too long have these companies gotten away with this kinda shit. We called their bluff and they are paying for it to the tune of almost $2 billion is losses. Fuck em.
Ok? So armed robbery, murder, sexual assault, home invasion, aggravated battery, armed carjacking, DUI...let’s just give them a pass right? No need to pursue. Not that they pose an imminent threat to society if left alone or anything. /sarcasm
Fuck that semi driver to hell and back. Doing at least 50mph and obviously distracted. You can clearly see his headlights in the distance. Not paying attention or head probably see everyone with their brake lights on or hazards flashing. Fucking asshole.
As a LEO we get this all the time. “Well I need a police report because my bank won’t give me my money back.”