What about the ex-hooker with a heart of gold turned Nun with a past she isn't proud of ("that's why she keeps a scrapbook!") in Future War?
What about the ex-hooker with a heart of gold turned Nun with a past she isn't proud of ("that's why she keeps a scrapbook!") in Future War?
A legendary scene made even better with an Aqua Teen Hunger Force homage: https://youtu.be/dKKJK1Uh81…
"The Perfect Drug" is definitely one of the lesser singles of NIN's golden era, but I'll defend that awesome drum breakdown any day of the week.
Oh man, strongly disagree with you about Vaudeville Villian. That's a top tier Doom album and has aged very well.
I know right? I had just finished MST3K and then Sense8 premiered, after binging that I went straight to Master of None, have a few episodes left on that and when I'm done it's right to Kimmy Schmidt. It's insane.
I just hope they have another song from Daddy's Boy this season. Actually if the entire season could just be Daddy's Boy jokes that would be great
Will: And what's with the hair?
Sun: What is with the hair?
Riley: Yeah, what's with the hair?
"I've always been alone, even as a child. I'm afraid I will always be alone, because I don't know how else to be."
I think that shot was implying that Will pushed out Sun and took over Capheus when he was zonked out on heroin and in no condition to fight, almost getting Capheus killed in the process.
I love that montage of Wolfgang dramatically visiting the cluster on his way to the meeting with Lila, everyone immediately looks concerned except for Capheus, who just gives Wolfie a big dorky smile and a 'hello!' Everyone tells Capheus he's amazing because Capheus IS amazing.
I finally broke down and purchased Zelda: BoTW for the Wii U. I have done nothing but climb trees, and I already love it unconditionally. Though it seems that my equipment breaks annoyingly fast. Does that ever get better or am I just doing it wrong?
Ichi the Killer; with its insane and brutal violence, gratuitous and frequent rape scenes, and steady supply of gushing bodily fluids. It made me completely nauseous. I love me some Takashi Miike, but that is just a gross, ugly movie.
-Lion 3
-Last One Out of Beach City
-An Indirect Kiss
-Back to the Barn
-Steven vs. Amethyst
Man, that last phone call between Raoul and his father wrecked me. Leave it to this show to introduce a new minor character then, within five minutes, have him make me cry.
Sun's goodbye to her dog was like the most emotional scene of the first season for me, so I hope this is true.
Part of me thought that was kind of a lame deus ex machina (like how did she even get out of her cell?) But the other part of me was just so relieved that upsetting hanging scene was finally over with that I let it slide.
THANK YOU. DS is best for sure. Also am I alone in thinking Double Dash is kind of overrated? When people go crazy over it I end up staring in bewilderment like Ben Wyatt whenever Lil' Sebastian appears
I tend to find the most signs right in front of the lever that rings the bell.
That's rough, buddy…If it makes you feel any better (it wont,) this playthrough (my third) was the first time I was able to solo those two bastards O&S.
Her Slay-Z EP was great too (The Big Big Beat was like my favorite song last year,) it gave me hope that she could finally get her shit together. Then she proceeded to stump for Trump, brawl with Russell Crowe in an elevator, and hurl racial slurs on Twitter. It's an endless cycle of false hope with her.