Castleton Snob

Just finished up my replay of Dark Souls, I eventually got gud and it was quite grand. Before I dive in to Scholar of the First Sin, I think I'm gonna jump back into Dark Souls 3 for a bit. Sunbroing The Nameless King is a favorite past-time of mine and I hear this Ringed City DLC is pretty darn good, looking

Azealia Banks has proven time and time again that she's a really shitty, terrible, no-good person. But for some reason, I don't care, I love her entire discography. Like, she's awful, but I still think 212 is one of the best songs of the decade. It's a conundrum.

Fuck it, I don't care who knows anymore. I absolutely adore Pirates of Silicon Valley and, not only do I own it on DVD, I have seen it over ten times. Don't ask me to explain why, I can't.

Will this Telltale Space Western satisfy my intense need for a Tales From The Borderlands sequel? Probably not, but it looks like it'll have to do. Despite my bitching, I am very much looking forward to this, just…c'mon man, give me a Season 2 of Tales. I need it.

The Graduate

Yea I always felt he was a good comedian that unfortunately hopped on the Adam Sandler wagon at the wrong point in his career. Most of the other comedians on the Adam Sandler wagon are well known faces with established careers (Chris Rock, David Spade, Kevin James) He was an up and comer compared to those guys, and

I thought that my years of experience would make my play through of the Dark Souls Trilogy a breeze. But I was wrong. So wrong. I die all the time (seriously, the fucking Gaping Dragon took me like 10 tries.) I was worried that the online play would be non-existent, but there's still a sizable amount of other players

Bucky Larson: Born to be A Star. Hands down. I ran a cheap seat theater at the time and my friends convinced me have a screening of the movie after hours in the hopes that it would be a "so bad it's good" type of film. It wasn't. It's fucking awful. Never see it.

I know this may get lost in the shuffle, but I just want to say that Donal Logue in Blade may very well be the best evil henchman in a comic book movie ever.

Huh, I was actually the opposite, the first half of DSIII really wore me down but then I got to The Abyss Watchers and was hooked for the rest of the game. You're right about the "positive dread" of the first Dark Souls, I'm replaying it now with a new character and thought that my years of Souls experience would

I called my younger brother and I said, “Hey man, do you know this graphic novel Watchmen?” And he goes to me, “Yeah, why?” And I said, “Well, they offered me a part.” “What’d they offer you?” I said, “Dr. Manhattan.” He paused. He goes, “Fuck you."


The shift to Digital Projectors over film sucked, because I was a projectionist for 5+ years and now out of a job, but it was also a blessing in disguise because I would never have to deal with fucking film projectors ever again. Film Projectors are cruel, unforgiving machines that will constantly maim you and have

'the fuck did he do?

oooo this is a really good answer. My favorite "Rusty is such a piece of shit" moment:

Um, Gaius Baltar anyone?

So now that the final DLC of the final Dark Souls game has been released, I figured now was as good a time as any to do a full replay of the Dark Souls Trilogy. I just picked up Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin (which I'm looking forward to dive into since I never played any of DSII's DLC,) bought The Ringed

Yea, with big chainsaw hands BZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

But… the humans discriminate against you. You can't even vote!

Hoping to work up some courage and get some more playtime into Resident Evil 7 this weekend, I managed to make it past the first boss fight in the garage yesterday. Then I immediately ran to a save point and turned the system off. Guys, this game is scary. I kind of knew what to expect from reading the reviews and