Castleton Snob

Two weeks ago I started up Mass Effect 3 only to discover that my 360, which lasted me almost 10 years, had finally Red Ringed. So I fired up Mass Effect 1 on my XB1 in the hopes that the other two would become backwards compatible by the time I finished and, lo and behold, it happened!

You're not wrong, PPU was the hipster college where all the indie film/dance/theater nerds ran the show. Apparently it's cinema program is actually somewhat respectable now too (it was pretty bush league during my days.) Still had the time of my life when I attended it, though. Go Pioneers.

My Alma Mater, Point Park University, produced The Chair and this resulting trainwreck as well. It's so weird, but also very nostalgia inducing, to see all the local Pittsburgh actors that acted in the many crappy student films we made show up sporadically in this film. Go Pioneers.

Fun Fact: I almost got fired from my high school job as an Usher at a movie theater because I sat in a showing of Prisoner of Azkaban for my 30 minute break and ending up staying for the duration of the film.

School of Rock: Winning is for posers.

Full of country goodness and green pea-ness

I'll be voting in a Honda Dealership tomorrow

Three pounds? That is entirely too much tuna.

"Keep your loving brother happy."

I'm gonna say Lincoln, FDR, Washington and James K. Polk. Even though I think Polk was a really crappy person (a lot of manifest destiny bullshit and Indian killing,) the amount of shit he got done in one term is really fucking impressive.

You're a loose cannon, Officer Meow Meow Fuzzyface.

"But Black Dynamite, I sell drugs in the community!"

I'd add Green Room to that list as well but yeah, that list is solid.

Nameless Numberhead Man: But maybe the calls are coming from the spy…trying to trick you into becoming a mole.
Fletcher: I'm— I'm not gonna miss you.

"I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time, I'd rather not spend the rest of this winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH!"

That was a lazy reference to The Big Lebowski, not me trying to be a dick for no reason.

Well that's just, like, your opinion man.

I have very fond memories of this game; playing it with my dorky friends in college, passing the controller around, shouting in panic and paranoia at each other, consuming ungodly amounts of pizza and beer. Good times.

Some of Bernie Sanders more ardent supporters are still pretty mad at her for being critical of him during the primaries.

Nah, I'm good. Thanks though.