Castleton Snob

Example: Geraldo getting hit in the face with a chair thrown by a neo-nazi.

To add to that, Se7en's intro with that NIN remix is creepy as fuck and extremely unsettling.

I'm quite taken with the Social Network poster, don't ask me why, I can't explain it. But I love it and proudly have it displayed on my wall.

Iggy, you comes in here with guns a blazin' like Tommy Cruise in Jack Reacher and I'm like "whats going on in your nebby head?" You got me feeling so low like I'm Tom Hanks walking around Rittenhouse Square with AIDS.

You know, I thought about it for a second and realized that was a dumb fucking statement, so I came back to edit it out before anyone noticed and saw you commented on it. So I got nothing. I guess because I hadn't really heard anything about it when I rented it and was really taken aback by how good of a film it

Kind of bummed there's no mention of A Simple Plan here, that's a movie that has no right being as good as it is. Still, great interview Will.

*laughs and disappears to the sound of screeching tires*

ME1 is still my favorite (it's the last true Bioware game if you ask me.) But ME3 is the most fun to play and it has some of the best moments in the series (I think Thanes death is one of the best scenes in pop culture and I'll fucking fight you if you disagree with me.)

Brian Eno's Ambient 1: Music for Airports is my go to for finding solace and comfort in chaotic, crowded, noisy areas like buses, subways and yes, airports. It's insane how many times I've heard this album and yet it still works every single time.

I think I'm gonna bust out Mass Effect 3 and finally finish my femshep playthrough (I beat it when it first came out with my maleshep but come on, maleshep doesn't count.) I put the game down right before the final mission to wait until all the DLC came out and never picked it back up for some reason…and that was 4

Living during this election is like living in a living nightmare!

Who would I like to see? You guessed it, Frank Stallone.

Good thing he's no longer friends with that moron who was emotionally invested in Gears of War. Totally dodged a bullet there.

Jesus fucking Christ, just…why?

That's very true. But sometimes I just want to pump my fists, flail my arms around and let my inner petulant teenage out.

Fuuuuck yeah love this soundtrack, 'Burn' is the shit.

Shame he had to cancel his tour, he puts on a fantastic show.

Fuck, that's terrible.

Yea I see this on like three billboards every day on the way to work and I irrationally hate this show because of it, I don't know why I hate the poster so much, but It awakens a darkness in me that I didn't know existed…I'm glad the show might be good, but fuck that poster, seriously.

Titanic robbing both this film and Elliott Smith of Oscars makes me so sad.