NHL '17 all weekend! Sports games count here right? It is pretty much identical to NHL '16 in every way, shape and form, and that is just fine by me. Because I'm a sucker who is afraid of change.
NHL '17 all weekend! Sports games count here right? It is pretty much identical to NHL '16 in every way, shape and form, and that is just fine by me. Because I'm a sucker who is afraid of change.
Wait, that's terrible.
I took a 13 hour flight home from Vienna where I was on vacation. Ended up watching The Nice Guys, Inside Out and Moonrise Kingdom, all for the first time, on the flight. The Nice Guys was really great, Inside Out and Moonrise Kingdom were good. Then I got home and slept for the entirety of Sunday. So kind of a weird…
The game itself is definitely not Lovecraftian, but the first confrontation with Sovereign in Mass Effect 1 certainly is. It's an extremely unsettling conversation with an unknowable, ageless entity that's been controlling your entire existence from the shadows, and it upends everything you thought you knew about…
Make Independence Day Great Again!
You made me laugh, then you made me remember how terrible Resurgence was, then you made me sad.
Death Row
The "let's get Aveline laid" quest in DA2 is probably my favorite quest in any RPG ever.
Yea ME1 has the best story and worst gameplay, ME2 has the best balance between the two, and ME3 has the best gameplay and worst story. ME1 is my personal favorite though for a lot of the reasons you mentioned, it's the only game I've ever completed 100%.
I love Bennett in Commando because he acts like he and Schwarzenegger are equals. "Your soldiers are nothing. Matrix and I can kill every single one of them" and you're just like um, dude? You're a chubby guy in a chainmail vest, he's fucking Arnold Schwarzenegger.
*Castleton Snob runs onstage in a huff*
Sorry I'm late! *ahem* THANKS OBAMA
*audience boos, Castleton Snob is vaudeville hooked offstage*
His verse on Oldie is pretty great. Oldie in general is pretty great, it's too bad odd future went in the complete opposite direction and stuck with the shock rap shit.
Pretty much every post about Frank Ocean has about 100 "Lol Billy Ocean" posts, same with Angel Olsen and "lol Olsen Twins." It's annoying.
I've had the album for three days and still can't make it past Nikes cause I keep looping it. I wish I was kidding.
I think we can both agree that Pierre is the absolute fucking worst.
Doc Emrick is my favorite, such an iconic voice. This is probably because I'm a Pens fan and having to constantly listen to Steigerwald and Bob Errey, most likely the WORST announcers in all of sports, means any game called by Doc is like a breath of fresh air.
Angel Olsen's new album too! It's fantastic.
I love after all the ridiculousness, THIS is the one story that goes too far.
Pretty much yea.
Yea his whole demeanor reminded me a lot of the Homeless people who would wander aimlessly in and out of the shop.