Castleton Snob

Steven Tyler is a weird motherfucker. He came into the Vintage shop I was working at once and threw a pair of glow in the dark underwear we were selling at my face, then he started playing 'Dream On' on this little baby piano we had. Then he bought the piano even though it wasn't for sale, along with the underwear

Welcome to DIE

Mega Man Legends was so cool, I'm really itching for a replay but I'm worried that the camera lock on system is even worse than I remember.

Tekken Ball would be pretty sick, just get a bunch of Martial Artists, Bears, Cyborgs, Alien Ninjas and Kangaroos together to punch the shit out of a gigantic weighted ball on a beach. It sells itself!

I used to think I was so good at the the game, then I realized that I was just Hwoarang every time and he's super overpowered….

I drunkenly came to the decision that Tekken 3 is one of my all time favorite games this week, so I've been replaying that, mainly that Tekken Force mode where it's like Streets of Rage. Guys, this game is so fucking good.

I'm still bummed Wanda is gone but now that I think about it, breaking up with Bojack and moving far, far away from him is looking like a real smart move.

They're Crystal Gems, Morty! They're an intergalactic race of "magical" Alien Women. Y-y-you know what they do, Morty? They sing, and dance, and fuse their *belch* bodies and minds together to become one singular entity. It's sick, Morty!

I got Jive Talkin' Choir Boy. That'll do, that'll do.

Fuck the Flyers, and the Devils too.
-a Pens fan

"Tim, with all the effort it takes to balance it on your shoulder would you just put the shirt on!?"

"I sent Tim ahead to absorb the first hail of bullets."

Biden: -and there she is, you can see her right there! Just writhing on the hood of the car! What was David Coverdale to do?
Obama: …Break up White, uh, Lion?
Biden: That's Whitesnake, Obama, and yes! Both Jill and I lay the blame squarely on Tawnys hot, silky shoulders. Now let that be a lesson to you.
Obama: About

I went with Kenny :( God, I still don't know who's the better choice at the end. Episodes 1-4 were a mess, but that last episode haunts me still.

"Air" by Ben Folds and that version of "Brain Dead" where it seems like Godzilla is keeping Billy Armstrong up all night are GOATS for sure.

Oh god. Mokujin from Tekken is in the the fighting game as 'Wood Guy'. Stop. I'm dead. Too good.

This is insanely off-topic but there's this Ghostface Killah song…I think it's "Be Easy." Anyways, the song is all bravado and braggadocio, but out of nowhere Ghostface describes a scenario where he switches out his rivals bottle of Cristal with a bottle of his own piss when the Rival isn't looking, and it

Great list. On another note. I pre-ordered Angel Olsens new album and, to my surprise, it comes with a download code that let's you download to the album two weeks early on August 19th. I am so, so, so excited for this one guys.

That couch scene was so great I still gasped with the audience even though I knew it was coming.

Gotta go with Ryan Seacrest Type.