Castleton Snob

Buck Nasty, you are so dark that when you touch yourself it's like black on black crime

"Is Pimping easy?"
*Thinks about it* Hell yea.
*Ding* "Somehow that is correct"

Yea, part of why I played it so much as a kid was because it was one of the few games that I could actually beat. But now every time I play it, I'm reminded of how unforgiving it can be (that bullshit Elevator Level with the Robots is usually my undoing.) That soundtrack is a GOAT, I recently bought it on Vinyl for

I'm sorry that people's rights stopped you from having some fun.

Amen. Streets of Rage II is legit in my top 5 all time games. Somebody please, please, please bring the old school beat 'em up back. The closest thing we've gotten since is what? The Warriors? That was great but it came out like 10 years ago!

Yea Green Room's gotta be number one, it was so intense it made me nauseous, and I mean that in a good way.

"It's almost a greek myth"

"Ooh, cool, I love stupid bullshit like this!"

Overall I enjoyed the show, but I couldn't stand any of the shit with her talking pugs, and they really doubled down on that towards the end of the season.

Oh snap, is that official? I was really hoping they would bring her back, Lisa Kudrow really nailed that role.

So what if he didn't make Casablanca, the guy seemed like a decent fellow that left his mark on the world. Sad to see him go.

I hate to hop on the "my favorite song wasn't listed therefore this list is shit!" bandwagon. But this list doesn't have "Science vs. Romance" on it, so this list is shit.

This pun thread is getting rediculous, I'm leafing

"Ah yes, my grandma-daughter."

"Doc Ock is getting upset!"

I'm playing it for the first time (it's now backwards compatible and on sale for like 7$ on Live so I had no more excuses) and I appreciate the auto match so much.

Seriously. I usually put a summon sign down and just sit there Path of the Dragon-style, admiring the view until I get summoned. Sometimes it's right away, sometimes it isn't, but the scenery and atmosphere are just so top notch that I don't really care.

Abandon all hope ye who enter here

I find it's best to just not let stupid band names get to me anymore. If I did I would have never gotten into some of my favorite bands (Wavves, The Joy Formidable, Pedro the Lion, Archers of Loaf, etc.)