
This drives me so nuts! I am a social worker in a hospital and I have been trying to hard to work with staff on my unit to be respectful of trans patients and use proper pronouns. And yet EVERY TIME we have a trans patient, it's like starting from scratch. The staff I work with is not hateful for the most part, but

So like I rationally know that Aaron Paul is holding that hat out straight in front of him but the illusion that there is a ghost/invisible person wearing a non-invisible hat has got me giggling.

Maybe it's just me, but all I can see are child brides in their wedding portraits. Those poses are super creepy and couple-y. Not how I looked when I posed with my dad at my wedding, or any pictures. Ergh.

Jenji Kohan is great at creating main characters that make our skin kinda crawl and playing with their devolpmemt (Or SPOILER: in Nancy Botwin's case, complete and utter downfall.) as the show progresses. The other characters become more likeable in comparison and subplots begin to dominate the action. It's an


I guess this is what always annoyed me about Jez. Because it's always wondering about why there isn't more work done on sexual health, and then it turns around and mocks the scientists every time they present some new data on sexual health.

Oh... it only applies to men.

The study only looked at men, so why are we extrapolating that to "people", like men are an acceptable default for all of humanity? There very well might be genuine sex differences between men and women here. We know that what types of porn men and women are most likely to view tends to differ. We know that the actual

Why? What have they done besides give Ryland pronouns, a haircut, and a new wardrobe? There's no puberty to deal with yet. How could it possibly go wrong to allow Ryland to make up his own mind. If he is one of the 50% of gender variant children whose "persistence, consistence, and insistence" wavers in adolescence

Not sure I understand your statement, could you clarify?

I read that whole thing thinking about Matt Smith and... I have to go now.

Dear #NotAllMen,

You meant it as a dig, Perez, but Jessica Simpson as Bonerkiller is the superhero we all deserve.

Isha, while I appreciate the focus brought on this hashtag, I think you're extremely wrong to characterize "everyday misogyny" as somehow distinct from the misogyny which fueled Rodger's machinations and eventually his killing spree.

For the first one I'd make an anonymous donation to a charity in honor of the baby. They won't specify the amount and you can give her the little announcement/card they include. She'll look like a jerk if she says anything and you can make lemonade out of lemons. It's basically following the rules since you gave a

"it's up to them to change their behaviours"

You wizards are wasting an opportunity to call non-virgins "Muggles." Please start doing that!

Dear wizards, You don't need cars, money, height or looks to attract women. All you really need is to not give us a feeling that you might secretly want to rape and kill us. Bonus points if you don't call us a whore.

It's been used cosmetically since 1989, for eye conditions even before that in the 1970s. 35 years isn't long term enough for you?