

I feel like they did this survey here in Central Texas. It is God, guns, and country all the way around here. Shit, there is even a guy running for Attorney General of the State who is sooooo proud that "He fought for the rights of 5 million school children to be able to have a moment of silence for prayer while at

These drugs are indicated for patients suffering from disease, whose mortality and morbidity are significantly affected by weight. They can achieve effects comparable to those of weight loss surgery without the permanence, risks, or complications of surgery or of, say, *an inflated balloon in your stomach.* For

"Will Smith and DJ Jazzy Jeff reunited on stage for a New Year's Eve concert in Dubai.James Avery showed up halfway through the performance, hoisted Jazzy Jeff up by the seat of his pants, and hurled him offstage."

Why not?

*David Tennant as the Doctor

The amulet from Supernatural does NOT ward off the powers of evil.

I can't stop thinking of Cyrus and Sally as Meredith Grey's moms and dadz. Distracting

Mine is Bright Eyes' "Lover I Don't Have to Love". Every time I hear it I'm a heartbroken 17 year old again who just got crushed by her emo non-boyfriend. ....And I'm pathetic.

This is it. The most privileged article ever published on Jezebel. You did it guys. WE did it.

Doug, do you do this on purpose or do you have some sort of selective disorder that makes you incapable of making an accurate statement about the UK?

  • You have access to Plan B should you have an unwanted pregnancy

Jax from Sons of Anarchy and we only get robots versus lizards fame? Am I the only Jezebel who watches motorcycle gang gun runners?

What this totally skips over is that "I feel" and "I think" is actually a technique taught to you by different therapies (CBT, DBT, non-violent communication, etc) that help people have healthy relationships. The purpose of I statements is to be able to communicate your needs without getting derailed into a discussion

The "actor" animals (in my experience) are NOT allowed to run around unsupervised. They are kept in check by the wranglers & trainers. I doubt they've been banned - just the cast/crew pets.

Why did Jezebel ignore this part that was in the other article.

Ah, OK. Thanks. So it's all talk about something that hasn't happened yet in a hypothetical Apocalypse. Don't they know Dean and Sam Winchester will just stop the whole damn thing anyway, and we won't need to worry about dragons?

"The Smithsonian took some time off today from categorizing their robust stamp collection "........what? With over 10,000 employees, dozens of facilities, nearly 150 million items in their collection, and the incredible research done year in and year out.....and you chose to intimate that they are wasting time by

A headset is optional, sure, but a fun and safe gaming environment shouldn't be as well. No one deserves to be harassed, regardless of the situation. Implying that it is her fault because she was wearing a headset takes the blame completely off the jerk that ruined her gaming experience.

Hello! Actual, real life stripper here. You seem to know (or think you know) a lot about the business I work in so I'd like to share my perspective as a laborer, as opposed to customer. Clients come in all shapes, sizes, personalities, and personal sexual preferences. Some fall in love with you, some realize it's a