
I also worry about not having herpes

Surely you will be the only one.

Counterpoint: Who cares?

Write what? It’s literally just screenshots of a reddit thread. Shit is just Buzzfeed now.

why does that upset me so much

You’re objectively wrong on the period thing. 

This is such specific spam

I’d argue that Wilson is established enough that it doesn’t even really count as sticking his neck out. Plenty of people have sucked on SNL without it affecting their legacy or whatever

I honestly think representation was pretty good across the board.

Criminal to omit Andy Shauf, especially in the Canadian category. 

Yeah, I’m sorry, but she sucked. 

Functionally useless for most people

Functionally useless for most people


Counterpoint: Who fucking cares

That was nice.

That’s a real word, bro.

Pretty much all professional copyeditors accept the singular they. It’s not incorrect.

I took Czech in college. The conjugation is a real bitch.

How is that proven, retard? Citation please.

Tried rewatching the Austin Powers movies recently. I don’t think they need to leave the doghouse. They have not held up.