
Which is what they should have done with the new movies in the first place.

Eh, I find it a lot easier to keep shitty opinions out of my feed on Instragram than FB, which also coincidentally means I get into fewer stupid, futile arguments.

I think shit like this is basically useless, but at least it’s something.

No, but I still like to. I really don’t need my e-reader to do anything else.

We’re doomed

I also worry about not having herpes

Surely you will be the only one.

Absolutely not. It’s functionally no different than reading a paper book. 

Counterpoint: Who cares?

Aaaaand this is why we’re doomed. Please eat my shit.

What are you even correcting? Why is the pronunciation of Glasgow relevant to this article?

Write what? It’s literally just screenshots of a reddit thread. Shit is just Buzzfeed now.

why does that upset me so much

You’re objectively wrong on the period thing. 

Social Wustice Jarrior

This is such specific spam

I’d argue that Wilson is established enough that it doesn’t even really count as sticking his neck out. Plenty of people have sucked on SNL without it affecting their legacy or whatever

If only they actually looked good.

James Woods is a terrible fucking example.

I honestly think representation was pretty good across the board.