Thor 2 is vanilla bean??? But vanilla bean is excellent
Thor 2 is vanilla bean??? But vanilla bean is excellent
I guess the question is whether we should have to cater for that small subset of the population that’s profoundly sensitive. Should we also avoid all triggers for common phobias?
I only know the game from Dunkey’s review, but he makes it look like that game requires grinding
This is an incredible endorsement for public transportation.
Can’t wait for someone to angrily miss the point of this comment.
Yeah, seems to be a pretty clear loss loeader
You can just use his name, retard.
Already has
I’ve said it many times before and I’ll say it again: This country is absolutely fucked
I think you nailed it when you identified intent as the important factor.
That’s pretty stupid
Proof that you can be an insufferable fuck regardless of who you vote for.
No he’s not, dumbass. My neighbors vote Republican and I still shovel their driveway. Shut the fuck up.
The point is that its something fluent English speakers tend to do, even if its never taught
Why did you feel the need to publicly declare this? And if it was so important, couldn’t you have proofread it?
The internal logic should at least be better.
People who should just make their own lists.
I dunno, I thought this was a pretty thoughtful list.
What’s your point? I read both it and the Communist Manifesto for reports in High School. It’s not controversial to read Mein Kampf, nor should it be for the Communist Manifesto. They’re books.