
Will Juggling get it? I doubt it.

How is that evidence of Cosby's innocence in 46 allegations. Get a new schtick dude. Why don't you start a support group for the "victims" of sexual assault allegations like Jerry Sandusky, BC, et al. They really need the love and support. You could probably even collect a paycheck.

Get a new game, Juggling. You're out of your league here. These people aren't the low brow idjits you usually comment to on sites such as CNN and Fox News,

That is such old news. All you do is post and re-post the same tired comments since you have no actual proof of his innocence which you claim to be a fact. But now, you're on the wrong website. Intelligent, critical thinkers actually post here and you're out of your league. No one respects paid Cosby shills. You