
Helena sure has a way with people as they die. Her scene with Rudy was among the most affecting of the series. Also, I don't care how fan-service-y it is, I loved that she got her time with Jesse.

Missing the point. It may be "consensual" in the sense that the girl agrees to do it, but the point is that it is a slippery slope. Once you are in, how hard is it to get a girl to agree to do more and more that she is uncomfortable with?

Well that's a full on problem in America and other parts of the world. But trying and failing to be an actor isn't the same as trying and failing to be a porn star. I don't see how that's a "bigger" issue as one could shame you for life and the other is just a story from your early 20's. I don't think porn stars

This entire comment section is so disappointing. I just watched her interview with Katie Couric and the doc is more focused on how young kids watch and participate in this type of porn. She even explicitly says that she is not against porn and views it as a way for adults to explore their sexuality.

How did this board spend so much time discussing the FREAKING LOCATION of the show?

Community gets celebrated for its quirkiness while New Girl gets chastized for being too "removed from reality". And Community season started off fairly grounded.

I'm not worried. People get too into mythology and thought it can be confusing, it's still a ridiculously well-acted sci-fi romp. Also, don't get the argument that it would be milked to death. I'm pretty sure every season will be 10-episodes.

The previews are horrible with misdirection. I remember last season Juliette shot a gun and then they showed Nick as if he got shot. Just last week they showed the Wesenrein guy saying "it is done" to imply Monroe was dead. I never take previews seriously.

Juliette is having a hell of a season. I've always felt they've done wrong by her and this really gives her some depth. I don't agree with everyone hating the secret-keeping (yet) because this show has been good about characters communicating for the most part and it seems she feels legitimately scared about this

Claire Coffee is such a delight and that comment is the perfect proof.

Such a beautiful moment. I was devastated when Tripp died, but I think his death was given a lot of meaning. Skye/Daisy's powers are forever tied to this bittersweet moment.

He was smart though. He made the right call for her to come back so the secret team wouldn't be suspicious. I chalk a lot up to him being frustrated and lacking by his loss of powers. The science-y explanation basically revealed he is partially blind as a result of his hex.

Very happy to see them balance case of the week with the greater story this season. The episodes feel balanced and always moving different threads forward. I haven't been as annoyed by the lack of Grimm powers as I thought I would. I love how Trubel is so blatant about reminding Nick he has no powers. It totally irks

The utter amazement in Jake's voice when he's running through middle names and says "Jojo?" and then later "Jamiroquai?!" is perfection amongst a collection of perfect line deliveries in this episode.

"Oh wait, there are no femme fatale space creatures on B99? Pass." - Zoe Saldana

Cosmia leaped back up to the top of my favorite clone list with this episode. Selfless, eternally optimistic, caring, cunning, and intelligent obviously. This character seems to benefit from having time away from her love interest the same way Piper does in Orange is the New Black.

For a while now I've noticed that Sepinwall and his commenters are getting really grumpy. Feels like a while since I've read a truly positive review of anything there.