
Content ID (which is a separate issue that likely won’t have a “bright light at the end of the tunnel” story like the copyright strike issue is having) is automatic and happens whether the video(s) in question are monetized or not. The biggest issue with the content ID system is that you never know exactly how

If you’re pissing people off with your journalism, then you’re doing your job. Ruffling feathers, even if you’re entertainment reporters, is par for the course. Don’t stop doing it just because a couple publishers are a wee bit on the childish side of things.

It definitely happens on non-monetized content too. Speaking from experience.

The internet fired the first shot, by making us so wary of online ads (throughs pop ups, autoplays, sounds, epilepsy inducing light effects, etc.) that no one even wants to give the new round of ads a chance.

I wonder if more people would read EULAs if they came in a form with a plainspeak version that references the full version and what subsection to find stuff in it.

Is it weird watching the frame rate dip a little actually made me happy? Like, shit, this is a real game they’re showing blemishes and all. I would assume it’s fixed by launch anyways, I’m just glad to not see it doctored the hell up. And it was only when those 10+ enemies hit that explosion, which was fun to watch

It’s players vs. AI. While I might understand the frustration in a PvP game this is just absolutely silly to get pissed off at. The game has been out for years. This is the one of the dumbest things I’ve seen the gaming community get pissed off at in the last year.

it was more over the cancelation of the game that personified everything he wanted to do with his career after metal gear. silent hills, his pet project with del toro (not even trying to spell his first name) and norman reedus. konami canceled it for seemingly no reason. more or less condemning kojima’s destiny to

Oh, it’s the entire wave that’s called Daft Premium, while the specific boss within that wave is called Premium Funk, you’re right. My bad! Will fix.

Except for that whole “Theta Protocol” thing that enabled Fury to show up with a fully functional S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier at the end of Age of Ultron.

I’m so glad the 20th Anniversary Theme for PS4 has that as the log-in sound.

I don’t see what the big deal is. It’s still the prettiest game out right now. And people are mad because it could have been more? Good lord, there is no satisfying the elitist, spoiled “PC Master Race” is there? Whoever complains about how this game looks need to remember that without console support, this game

I never even considered Reckless Silhouette Guy, but man what a son of a bitch he’d be in 8p Smash!!

I think that the general problem is the way the backgrounds of the characters don't line up at all. A defining element of the hero is his consistent humble origin. Zelda, even in less royal settings, typically comes from a background of wealth or prestige. You'd need to either really twist the story into knots or

"You're benefiting yourself at the cost of condemning your own gender," he said. "If another female is streaming, playing in non-provocative attire with her attention on the game, she will be subject to the same torment that you get when you just flaunt your body... You are creating a standard for the female streamers

Release a game with bugs - gamers get mad

I think Sony's best bet would be to bank harder on the PS4's wild success. Make a handheld that focuses on a perfect remote play experience, while maintaining backwards compatibility with the PS Vita.

Didnt tought that you guys had jumped into the hate train. Or below it. This review was embarrasing to read.

I'm not sure kids being up late one night is exactly the problem in this story.