
internet connection was never really introduved to the sixth generation. Sure there was a network adapter for ps2 and xbox got the online community towards the end of its life. but gamers now a days has way more games to choose from, so games get cheaper way more quickly - dlc is one of the took, devs can make a bit

That, my friend, is bonus content. Wearables, purely cosmetic, won't improve your gameplay or your experience in any way. Know the difference between bonus content and cut content.

face shaving gel can't be used on other body parts. *ahem*

I don't play WoW, so I don't really see any screens of the menus or loading screens. I noticed the "you should down FREE programs to check for malicious software, including keyloggers" .... free? 90% of free virus and mal scans IS virus and malware...

people dont trust banners with ads.

Too much swearing. I think Duke 4Ever would be better described the way he did. also, bulletstorm had those cool takedowns which clearly made it too obvious silly.. I think.

you can play the game without mewto. Period. Ofc i understand your frustration. But dont call it force. You aren't even forced to buy the game in the first place.

It's not force, it's choice.

No. You can decide to not get both versions and live without Mewto. It's quite simple :p

Check out RE: revelations. The control feelings and the games atmosphere and even the small quirky anekdotes are throwing me back into the first RE game (even that I was young back then and didn't play that much of it).

NO one is forcing you to get both.


Seeing as how Bioshock Infinite is one of the most popular games we've ever listed deals on, a few of you will probably want to grab the season pass for 10 bucks and get through that DLC. [Infinite Season Pass]

Here we have Pepsi, Pepsi Max and sometimes, rarely(!) Pepsi lemon. During the Soccer championship overhere, we got Pepsi Ginger. YUCK!!!!

who knows. Might have been Bungie asking Sony if they wanted to cut a deal since Bungie had trouble financing the Destiny project - not the other way around.

Destiny worked fine for me in the period I played it - within very first weeks after it launched. The people in the forums must be the "few"* that has problems because various reasons.

* few as in percentage of users playing the game.


google is confused when trying to search for Destiny. even "destiny game" dont make the info box appear

yes they will but what if there was a limit and a penalty for using the photomode?

I also hear the arguments of more reasonable Gamergate supporters, and I take them seriously. Some of the movement's supporters have valid complaints, like the not-incorrect notion that some video game publications don't always seem to be looking out for their readers, or the sense that some developers in the indie