
I've played the first Borderlands, with the second one a the ready and waiting for the third one to release. I had my eyes on Monday Night Combat and Serious Sam too, but shooters are absolutely not my main genre by far. I've stayed ten feet away from Brink though, not interested at all.

This is daunting for consumers, who are presented with a stream of games that, let's be honest, look like garbage. Ports of iOS games, broken early access titles, there's a lot of crap to wade through. It's become very similar to Netflix, in a way; it looks like there's a lot of stuff to buy, but the volume of content

I simply can not imagine otherwise than Valve asked for/paid kotaku to bring this article. Can't tell for sure if Luke actually wrote this though. But I am glad if this is the case, that means they care and want to feel the water in the community. And I've seen most negative responses via on-article comments, so if

I think my taste is based on humor, design and how the game plays, not the genre.

That last thing is useless for me. I play a too broaden variety of games for it to make sense. I haven't played a lot of Steam games, but I've seen game recommendations based on what I play. I play TF2. That makes the recommendations place wanting me to play battlefield games. I am not in the slighest interested in

I didn't see this coming, but allright. I'll bite. It is certainly not making the game any worse.

Omg, I sure hope Mario Kart wont be getting IAP for weapons. Characters and stages I can live with though

How are they illegitimate?

Oh, I've never seen those additional stuff before. :)

I don't think the DK one had special rules, just a theme.

I don't have that much space free on either of all those sites. Did you zoom out on the webpages to do that just to fund your argument?

Well to be fair, there's no portait mode on youtube. I agree with MadMan, videos in protrait mode is annoying.

If we're gonna talk about flopped Sony products, then take a look at Wonderbook. 5 games I think it got. Concept is great, but limited.

Well, all movies from Chicken Little and forward is CGI, except for the Princess and the Frog (I really thought they would go back to drawn movies back then), and all of those, apart from The Wild, is high quality and I love every single one of them. I just wished Disney would had decided to make a new series of

The Jungle Book for me - if I had a bad day at school, sitting down and watching this always cheered me up.

Not quite. Bolt and Wreck-it-Ralph (examples) got a number while Dinosaur and a number of sequels, follow ups and minor animated movies haven't. It feels random at times, but the first 40 movies or so felt like true classics apart from Winnie the pooh and the minor ones from around WW2. After that they added The Wild

Oh wow, selfmade slipcase? I miss slipcases on so many of my movies, I think they're awesome. And yes I do twitch over the Dumbo one here as well. Though, I might add only a selection of movies gets the number - sequels don't apart from Bernard and Bianca. I used to look and drool over the extended editions, and still

Another collector of these movies here. I see those movies released in US does not have gold number on the spine. (below is NOT my picture but found on google)

Yeah, by me, when they meet me on a fight as her :p

....maybe not xD I suck at fighting games.

Double Trouble! Loved that short!