Cassie ST

Who on earth is playing Diablo 3? That game died forever ago.


I guess we can still be the Ugly Friend at the Dinner Party who has to bring the funny and then go home alone.

Who on earth is playing Diablo 3?

So, now you're just going to continue doing what made everyone hate you in the first place? You learned nothing from the public outpouring of hatred for you— and by extension, every other worthless twit on Jezebel?

Perhaps, if you read around that word— more specifically, the words immediately following— you would find that it is in quotes for a different reason.

Maybe, Tracie, just maybe, you shouldn't be surprised or "bothered" by the company placing priorities thusly.

At what point did you not pick up on the game? Chicks get clicks. Your anonymity is less valuable than a public persona. If they cared, they would have let you write anonymously. Or under a pseudonym. But

Like a lot of people who read Gawker, I avoid Jezebel like the plague. I only come here when the link doesn't immediately tell me where I'm going.

Secrets are the cost of a life lived.

"I suddenly had the audacity to question the current social and political system and ask how — if at all — it served women."

We Americans find the notion of a Ministry of Culture shocking for a few reasons. I'll enumerate them for you. I'll even do so politely :)

In the past three months I have lost two family members and one close friend. I haven't cried yet because I haven't had a chance to leave that weird "must stay functional" space and it sort of just... isn't something I can easily deal with.

There was a time when the annoyances of PC gaming were common. I remember it only from the late 90's.

I regret giving those kids money for their stupid overpriced candy bars now. Like I care if America's children can play soccer abroad. Fund your own damn equipment!

What makes you think it is appropriate to talk about people like this? You would be all up-in-arms over the same people making a "Fat Bitches of the Nation" chart identical to this one.

Xanax. Xanax is the only answer to "How to relax".

I'm as pro-choice as they come but holy shit, the idea of anyone but a trained surgeon performing an abortion is terrifying.

South Dakota never had a population to worry about to begin with. The only reason it has an economy now is because of shale mining, gas and coal.
