ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ : Bear Privilege is a Liberal Hoax

Yeah I have no idea. I have seen enough Witch Kirkos and other paid skins for new heroes running around to know that there are at least some people who are dropping that much money for skins (which is still insane to me honestly)

I guess the number of people spending money on the old skins has dried up, and now it’s time to earn free goodwill by giving back something we already had.

Well hopefully they do something about the self-revives, either drastically decreasing their spawn rate or making it so you can only carry one or they have a cooldown of a few minutes, or SOMETHING. Because it’s insane that people can self revive 2 or even 3 times during a firefight, especially when you’re going up

At the very least, there needs to be a way to reconnect/rejoin in DMZ... having someone disconnect near the end of a very successful round with no way to get back in has ruined plenty of nights for my friend group.

Honestly at this point there are plenty of other games out there that scratch the same itch anyway, with new ones coming out all the time or established ones coming out with new features.

Can devs see how many people have wishlisted their games? Because I have a bunch of games wishlisted that I’m waiting for sales to buy, and I imagine a lot of people do the same. So if the game is never going to go on sale and a lot of people have it wishlisted, then this news might be the bump that gets a lot of

Yeah I was gonna say, being able to recharge your pee by chucking an orb into the enemy team while they’re far away and your team is already topped off anyway literally makes it easier to heal.

TBH the chik-fil-a controversy from a decade ago is exactly why I think these kinds of hardliner “if you buy this game, you’re siding with transphobia” stances are ultimately counterproductive: even supportive people will just buy it anyway and simply rationalize their purchase after the fact. So all you wind up doing

Yeah. At first glance it seems like yet another way for the games industry to nickel and dime people, but really it just makes things easier and more convenient for both buyer and seller.

I’m not sure I’d want to go down with the ship at this point lol. But thanks!

Given the way Nintendo has gone about handling its back catalog on the Switch, with subscriptions and such, you could make the argument that even Nintendo’s own old games have better availability on the Steam Deck through emulators lol

AFAICT anything you find and exfil with gets automatically unlocked. So if you find a heartbeat sensor in the field and exfil with it, you should be able to equip it in your loadout from now on even if you’re not high enough level yet.

For now, Blizzard is working on awarding support players more XP to incentivize them to pick that role and help alleviate queue times.

Not at all what happened according to Mick:

You’ve always been able to buy skins directly with currency, though: you just couldn’t buy currency directly. Which I guess if you don’t really play the game all that much is the better option, but OW’s lootboxes were generous enough that if you played regularly, you’d be swimming in enough currency to directly buy

Yep. This wasn’t even trying to keep the inflated cryptominer premium prices as the new normal post crypto crash/Eth going proof of stake: it is quite literally false advertising.

Literally the meme...