ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ : Bear Privilege is a Liberal Hoax

They’ll probably do the same thing they’ve done with abortion, which is not take a stand for fixing it, but rather just indefinitely leaving it in limbo so they have yet another “not voting for us means it will get way worse” issue.

Except Mario:

I feel like 99% of the “uncannyvalleyness” of video game facial expression is in the eyes. Even with top-tier facial mocap stuff I’ve seen, I still always sit there monologuing like Quint (“y’know, the thing about Nathan Drake, he’s got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eyes”).

Well that’s what I meant, basically: Amouranth never had to do anything past the “send nudes” kind of porn, i.e. without penetration (if I’m reading what you’re saying, I dunno what counts as softcore these days) in order to make money hand over fist. Even if Sasha Grey doesn’t do that anymore, she definitely

I think it’s also that she manages to make money using her body without her body actually getting “used”, ya know? Like as compared the way a porn star like Sasha Grey is obviously making money off her looks, but she has to have a dick shoved in her butt to do it. I think there’s this weird “virgin-madonna” thing


Yep, this was the real palm destroyer right here.

Welp there goes my dream of playing as Shooty McShootface

Can’t wait to see Doomguy get cancelled for being a toxic man and a half.

Republican primaries really are just America’s Next Top Asshole at this point.

Yeah give me a pair of earbuds that are comfortable to side-sleep in and can last more than 8 hours on a single charge, and I’d gladly throw down 200 bucks for a pair. But these? I already have a white noise machine.

Yeah give me a pair of earbuds that are comfortable to side-sleep in and can last more than 8 hours on a single

Okay, good. I was going to change passwords no matter what, but thanks for the info!

Fair point. I’m just... in awe that this happened, because I don’t think I’ve ever heard of something like this happening before.

Maybe. But shouldn’t there be systems in place to prevent... that? lol

Yeah I’m sitting here like... has something like this ever happened before? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of such a prominent piece of software having its entire source code leaked, let alone every single commit they’ve ever made. Like which employee(s) have to fuck up, and how badly, for that to even be possible?

Clearly the first thing anyone who has a Twitch account should do is change their password immediately, and set up two-factor authentication.

Sounds like one of those things that started out as parody/satirization of something shitty (“red pill” culture and it’s absurd misogyny), that started attracting people who bought into it unironically, and then eventually turned into the very thing it was mocking in the first place.