ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ : Bear Privilege is a Liberal Hoax

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Tiny Tina may be one of the absolute worst things about Borderlands

Took the words out of my mouth.

One of my friends has a 3080 and had the same issues with DX 12. I have a 1080 and aside from the stuttering in MP, I had no problem getting 60 fps at 1440p with medium settings.

Yes it was on the spiders for us too! Just the whole screen covered in tiny spiders in like 10 second flat and we were completely overrun in a heartbeat.

We got the multiple boss spawns as well! After getting absolutely dumpstered by the boss and his 3 clones in like 10 seconds, we’re sitting there at the loading screen going “okay, what the hell is the strategy here” only to reload the game and come back to a much more winnable battle. On its own, without much more

It’s weird because even though there are a little million bugs in MP, none of them have been gamebreaking so far. All the crashes, stuttering, bugged mission objectives, and frozen cutscenes have for the most part only wiped a minute’s worth of progress, so you can pick right up from where you left off. It’s just that

It really is amazing, isn’t it? They managed to make one of the best pirate games ever without even trying, and in order to make a sequel, all they had to do was make Black Flag 2 with all the AC fluff ripped out of it. Like they already had the engine, they already had the basic mechanics, they already had the

You may question his common sense/intelligence, but you’ll never question the size of his e-peen!

I’d liken it to an iPhone versus Android thing, where even though they share the same general purpose, they might attract different people looking for different user experiences.

Yeah basically. I play mostly in handheld and if the OLED came along with a significant performance boost, I’d be tempted to upgrade. But without the extra performance, there’s pretty much no point in throwing down money for it.

“Be sure to drink your Ovaltine”

Is this a known known? Or just a known?

I dunno if you played online at all, but... it borders on broken. Like Fallout 76 levels of jank. Stuttering elevators, enemies that constantly skip animation frames and/or teleport to you, getting stuck at loading screens despite the game literally being loaded (like my friend is literally fighting the boss and I can

Oh at 1080p, definitely can’t complain. It absolutely holds up. But I got a 1440p monitor not too long ago and... yeah it chugs now 😬

Nvidia’s stockholders.

Oh no, I’m talking regular 1080, not the ti. Which, don’t get me wrong: it’s still a very good card. But it’s definitely showing it’s age at this point.

I’m still rocking a 1080 so I’ll continue to do my “face down ass up” routine with low graphics settings to get high framerates ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

That would make Nvidia’s price gouging way too obvious.