So a legendary drops in a Stronghold, and if you have a full inventory, you’re telling me it’s impossible to make space without leaving the instance, and thus impossible to pick up the legendary drop? It’s gone forever?
and you won’t be able to drop any of those items you’ve already snagged until you go back to the Forge
Everyone should read this thread. There is a whole hell of a lot of nuance to the scope of Mueller’s findings vis a vis Russian election interference.
Yeah even if the limitations of reliable high speed internet were not an issue, Google is still like the Henry VIII of tech companies, seemingly eager to ditch any product that isn’t working out the way it had hoped.
Yeah it’s not some added incentive for the consumer, like special bonus skins or currency for Fortnite when you buy games on their store. It’s just leveraging their deep pockets to create artificial scarcity elsewhere so if you want to play certain games, Epic can just say “fuck you, pay me.”
I want to make climate change fun.
This sounds like it has less to do with the actual material inside the implant and more to do with the material that the container sac is made out of, re: it’s chemical composition and physical texturing.
After all that hand-wringing about Pizzagate, too...
So the same agency that was able to track the menstruation of minors somehow just lost hundreds of those kids?
Throwing away their chance to make A Prison Christmas.
The advertising campaign for Apex has been pretty masterful. Not only did they avoid the months of doom-and-gloom circlejerking from disgruntled Titanfall fans that could have soured players on the game, but they capitalized on the suddenness of its launch in getting it on Twitch immediately.
Jane Buckingham, a so-called “millennial expert”
But what I’m saying is that the data that possibly support the idea that it would increase trafficking are derived from instances of legalization rather than decriminalization. In other words, I don’t know that the legal environment Decrim NY is trying to precipitate has ever actually been tried before, so it might be…
consenting sex workers want full legalization
I have not thought about this song in years and also somehow completely forgot that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The question is, what exactly was he swinging for? Like, did he think a large portion of her Fox News audience was going to follow her over?
It doesn’t help that an aerial view of the older content looks like someone took a Minecraft map and ran one of those pixel art smoothing algorithms over it.