ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ : Bear Privilege is a Liberal Hoax

It’s hard to say whether an arena shooter would well do in today’s market, because there really haven’t been many sincere attempts lately. UT4 never made it past the pre-alpha stage, and then other attempts like Quake Champions and Lawbreakers are basically arena shooter/hero shooter hybrids that try to appeal to two

Pretty much just stating the obvious to anyone who’s been following the development of this game. It’s been Forgone Destruction for awhile now...

I discovered that my form of feminism extends to female animals

If eggs were really feminist, they’d be spelled “yggs”

Funny how nobody asks that question when signing off on our nebulous military budget.

Fractal tits?

I’m not sure, but I’d imagine even if it was, fanart creators are going to start looking for greener pastures rather than sit around wondering if/when the hammer is going.

Other than a few bizarre social justice arguments that were so absurd I couldn’t tell if it was just a massive troll, not really. The commenting style and general formatting of quoted posts there makes my eyeballs bleed.

“Gee modders, whaddya wanna do tonight?”

Seriously though, other than Oppression Olympics pissing contests, what does Tumblr have going for it beyond the erotic fan art?

You kid, but I’m sure “inclusive prudishness” is the goal of some weird, esoteric, sub-genre of radical feminism.

These lyrics would fit in well with yourBan Men From Writing About Sex” article under an updated subsection about sucking your own dick.

Anyone who is desperate enough to watch porn at a Starbucks can just get a VPN and porn it up to their heart’s content.

Oh absolutely. But you can kinda sense when somebody is probably immune to that criticism anyway, so it’s not even worth the effort here.

Someone who doesn’t like trannies isn’t afraid of them.

As I do not wish to be held responsible for the words of others when my own history shows that I stand in opposition to them, I also do not think it is fair to question anyone who works with me, who supports my work and who is a member of this movement because of the ways that I may have fallen short here or in

I guess some people just get really excited about sharing their kids’ genitals with the rest of the world ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

There’s a hint of blue smoke to signify a boy, but it’s quickly overpowered by fire and dust and earth and shrapnel and various other scary shit flying through the air.

1st mission to study its deep interior

“That makes them smart”