ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ : Bear Privilege is a Liberal Hoax

It’s worse than revenge: it’s clearly the first step on the feminazi’s vagenda of manocide.

Looks like a good way to get seatbelt boobs without a car.

It’s amazing how even when surrounded by Republican politicians, this guy manages to be the most unctuous, oily motherfucker in the room. It’s like somebody took a dead weasel and reanimated it with SuperPAC money and black white magic.

Okay, well that’s good to hear. I have a friend who played it and said there were a lot of similarities to another Korean MMO we played together (Archeage, which had all those problems) so that was my basis for comparison.

This makes me incredibly sad, and worried. I never really could get into EVE when I’ve tried, but it’s a really unique game and I’m glad it exists. But Korean MMOs, while often really good mechanics-wise, oftentimes are P2W grindfests that have a raging hardon for pointless RNG.

This is beginning of the whitewashing, his enablers trying to maintain their dignity for the eventual post-Trump era by framing themselves as saving us from a deranged madman. My money’s on Pence as the author.

Honestly I was expecting her to get like, 5% at most.

What’s the first reward in this new system... pig lipstick?

“sounds like a ‘Tropes vs. Women in Gaming’ style cash grab”

Her biggest mistake was trying to make something with a valuable, practical application to solve a real problem, because then you actually have to deliver on it. If you invent fake problems and then peddle cures for said fake problems (i.e. “wellness”), then it doesn’t really matter all that much what you do. It’s how

Well that’s good to know. It’s still a little annoying that it’s gated behind RNG rather than buying them with doubloons, because that way I feel like I’m making concrete progress towards something I actually want each time. But at this point, any improvement is good because... sheesh.

Well that’s the thing... the huge bunch of AP you get for the weekly quest already makes it pretty much mandatory to do it every week. It’s just that the AP alone is a really bland, uninteresting reward. The interesting rewards are everything else, but gating them behind RNG rather than a grindable currency makes it

The only bad thing in BfA so far has been Island Expeditions... which aren’t really THAT bad so much as the rewards are practically nonexistent. Artifact power grinding is a pretty bland system that has such massive gaps between upgrades that seeing that number tick slightly upward doesn’t really feel like a reward,

Now playing

There’s probably some random speedrunning skip somewhere else in the game that involves being pushed by a monster, and he put 2 and 2 together to activate this teleporter. There are already other well-known skips that require monsters to do stuff, like getting this Archvile to open a keycard door in Map 27 (apparently

I know that drugs helped make some of our best music, but I’m not sure Ambien was one of them.

...did Pauly D get a sponsorship gig for RealDoll?

Fine... just don’t do it on my lawn.

Well, that’s one way for a business to generate buzz.