ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ : Bear Privilege is a Liberal Hoax

Brings new meaning to the phrase “I’ve got a lot of mouths to feed”.

Global And National Defense Hypernet Intelligence, or G.A.N.D.H.I.

Is that Weinstein? I didn’t recognize who it was, and for a second I thought Tom Hardy had really let himself go.

Wait... we don’t?

It’s what happens when you try to be relatable while also refusing to pull the stick out of your ass.

The fact that they started freaking out before he had even announced that he had corroborating recordings; that Bannon was willing to turn on Trump rather than try to deny anything, is... telling.

Thus far, Steve Bannon is the most compelling figure in Fire and Fury. He stands out as a realist and pragmatist in a never ending shitshow of hapless, utterly delusional fools whose incompetence just constantly fuck over his evil plans.

Although I’m personally a physical book kind of gal (especially for this, because I feel like a physical copy has more of that ostentatious “fuck you” quality), the estimated delivery time of my copy is 2-4 weeks. In the mean time, “legally purchasing” it off the internet allows me to not waste any time getting to


It’s trashy and sensationalistic... which is a perfect fit for President Reality TV.

The forced birth movement is the greatest scam ever foisted on the American people. Countless millions of idiots voting for other idiots based on nothing but feelings and misogyny, all in service of the further downward spiral of this country. I can’t even begin to imagine where we could be right now if the decision

Yeah I have to agree. Nothing against Fortnite - it’s still a solid game. But for this game mode I do enjoy that Arma-esque ultra-realistic art direction. The grittiness and bleakness work in its favor, giving it an an almost ‘survival horror’ feel to the gameplay.

This is the kind of thing you wanted to do in Starcraft when you were 13, but were unable to because of engine limits.

There is no subtext.

Yeah, the entire FPS genre was called “Doom clones” until it became established enough to become its own thing. And like Doom, PUBG was not the first of its kind, but merely the first to be a runaway success. And even then, PlayerUnknown himself admits that he got the concept from a movie.

Oh we did well that game, but only after we hopped on a bus and got out of there :3

All I know is, I dropped at Tierra Bronca once with a group of 3, and that will be the last time we ever drop there. Great if you love pistols, but we couldn’t even manage a single rifle between the 3 of us.

Yep. The people who are “horrified” at this are all adults. His fan base is teenagers and 20-somethings who have been raised on a steady diet of “free speech means I’m allowed to say and do whatever I want without consequence” and will not abandon him over something like this.