ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ : Bear Privilege is a Liberal Hoax

“How do you do, fellow open world survival games?”

Nah I know, I was just thinking out loud.

Even then, not all people who have ovaries and cervices get cancer of those organs/parts. Like, it’s not an inevitability.

Lock Her Up!

Don’t tell me Pruitt’s never heard of the Cone of Silence.

Without knowing specifically, I would imagine it’s the general snobbishness that usually happens in communities for older games. Same thing goes with the Doom community and the way a significant number of them look down on anyone who uses mouselook aiming rather than “keyboarding” as the game was originally played.

I really wish Nintendo would continue making controllers for their legacy systems. A few months ago, I wanted to break out the N64 to bring to a friend’s house, and I found that my controllers are just a little too... tired.

So PUBG has the “blue wall” mechanic to ensure that games eventually end. Does Fortnite have the same thing? And how does the base building mechanic fit into that? Like, are you constantly building new bases and then subsequently abandoning them as the wall closes in?

I feel like I’m in the episode of Star Trek “The Squire of Gothos” as Trelane, exclaiming to Captain Kirk “I actually experienced genuine rage!”

Never in my life have I felt so much visceral anger towards someone I’ve never met.

And I love what he’s doing ***to*** this country

Lena can be infuriating because her privileged, self-absorbed cluelessness is occasionally peppered with enough self-awareness to make me feel like I’m being had by a master troll.

I’d like to hate on Lena said, but I don’t understand what all the fuss is about and I honestly cannot come up with a better explanation than ‘competitive motherhood’ reasons.

You steal 50 Gs and you blow it on a fucking psychic???

The first time I saw a saw a dick, I was only like 4. And now I’m a stripper.

Ferg would be a nerdy brogrammer who spends his free time ranting on reddit about getting constantly friendzoned.

I never realized there was so much enmity for the first one. It wasn’t a masterpiece parody of Bond films, but it was entertaining enough.