Cavorting Migaloo


Could have been worse. Remember the last black kid disciplined for looking at a white girl?

Can you clarify this statement please: “she is a girl and she obviously does not have the capacity to explain all of her thinking processes and where they come from.”

When is the last time a women’s sport was covered with the depth and interest that even shitty men’s teams get?

You need to get your colleagues behind this line of attack, Senator:

Don’t ever go home.

Oh man, I was just telling this story on another website this week ironically enough.

I do too! I get huge abscesses under my skin that will only go away with meds. :/

When I was about 2 or 3, a spider bite me on the face while I was napping. My parents found with my face all swollen up. They had to take me to the hospital because they were scared I was having an allergic reaction. I was okay.

Not necessarily—a lot of these policies are designed specifically in ways that allow racist practices to continue (such as the disproportionately harsh punishment of children of color in schools) while offering seemingly “impartial” rationales so that they don’t look racist. Mentioning those policies isn’t necessarily

This is basically my situation every day. night and I head right into “Snapely.”

i’m in a relationship now and the constant shaving is getting old so

Oh, so you’re me.

Seriously. What was that?

Why is no one talking about those end credits, tho?

I’m borrowing it from someone else on Jez (wish I could find it), who said “I’m not pro-choice. I’m pro-abortion.” And I am, FOR ANY REASON. Because I do not (nor does ANYONE else) have the moral authority or right to condemn anyone for exercising autonomy over their own bodies.

No, she should live the rest of her life in a cell with a toilet, sink and 3 barely palatable meals a day. That would still be way, way more comfortable than how the auschwitz prisoners spent their last days.

I’m absolutely not torn at all. People defected from the party all the time. They had a choice, and they chose to keep their homes and livelihoods in exchange for the deaths of 7 million people.

Also worth noting that, and I can’t stress this enough, the President has limited powers. They cannot just implement laws by fiat. Congress would have to pass that law first. Also, any law that blatantly tried to implement Sharia law would be immediately challenged and would be swiftly struck down as unconstitutional.