
Same here! It's nice to know that, even though they're online, they might not respond as fast 'cause they're mobile.

Yeah it'll probably soar to the top now after it gets a lot of downloads and ratings. It's like brand new so the more established apps show up first.

Google TV! :D

I do recall that when a few of the original HTC EVOs shipped with a bit of backlight bleed there was a big media outburst. But the same thing happened with the iPad 2 and I've only seen one or two articles. Let's face it; the media (in general) loves to love Apple. :)

Signed up the day they were announced and it showed up on my doorstep a month or two later. :D

I had a junior high choir director that always said, "Practice makes permanent," rather than perfect. The idea being not only related to singing the wrong notes, but however you practice (bad posture, chit chat in between songs, etc.) will be repeated when you perform.

Uh, it most likely won't run Flash very well. It's a 700 MHz processor, plus Adobe's lacking with their Linux version of Flash.

I pop in an SD card into my (hacked) Chrome Notebook with "live" copies of different Linux distros to test them. Works like a charm.

Disposable computers have been around for a while: Linux live CDs/USB sticks. Use any computer to boot up into a fresh copy of Linux, do your work, then unplug and it's all gone, vanished, forever. Good for accessing infected PCs and whatnot.

Yeah I love how the article takes all the blame off of Apple. Might as well have said, "Oh, it's never Apple's fault! It was the other guys' fault! Apple is all-mighty and never makes mistakes!"

Couldn't this have just been cross-posted? :-/

It greatly depends on the site and how it's programmed, but it's likely through HTTP POST and SESSION variables. I doubt that wget would work for this, but I could be wrong.

Yup, Ubuntu One does. But I think the Android app requires a paid subscription or something. :-/

But doesn't that add bulk to the already somewhat-hefty EVO? :-/ Or have they developed one that's the same physical size now?

Haha, it's so true. Bathroom breaks really drain that battery! ;)

Your philosophy is shared by the elementary os [] team... they'd probably love to help you/have you help! What platform are you developing on/for?

Props on the battery mention; I got a second OEM HTC battery for my EVO back right after I got my phone and I used it every day. Now that I'm rooted with Cyanogenmod 7 and probably more used to tweaking battery consumption, I hardly ever need to switch the battery out midday (only if I've been playing a game in bright

First thought was, "it depends, duh!" But I'd say in general, apps should try to stick with the Unix philosophy of doing one thing, and doing it well. Now, that doesn't mean they shouldn't be interconnected; Android's sharing feature shows how that can be extremely useful.

Professionally, I'm a web developer. However, in my free time, I help out with different open source projects.