@cdevlin: Thirded!
@cdevlin: Thirded!
@Zaos: No problem!
@Zaos: Or preorder on Amazon now and get them all for $90. :D
@Roger_Wilco: Correction: Move "along."
@WickedD365: You'll just "have" to buy them again in 3D! The wait never ends...
Now, to bring another Android feature to Chrome, how about Chrome to Chrome? I'd like it if I could shoot a link or text from my desktop Chrome to my Cr-48 like I can to my EVO.
@jbarr: I'll try here in a bit!
@OCEntertainment: Hearted.
Watching with the sound off is entertaining...
QR code please? Pretty please? :)
@curiouscomputer: So vivid...
@Deckard: There was a guy in my class in high school named Peter Willy Johnson. His dad's named Richard so I figure he named Peter that to share his humiliation of being called "Dick Johnson" all his life.
@5h17h34d: It's not useless. It's not infallible, but it's useful for keeping casual and intermediate users off.
@jdale: The cloud? :) Google Music would fill this gap nicely methinks.
@monkeybusiness: Nandroid backs up all the data, too. At least on my phone. If I restore to a nandroid backup from a month ago, I have all my texts up to the day I made the backup.
@I_Am_Not_A_Lady_Goat: Huh, let's see... they're giving it away. For free! As in at a loss. No profit. Negative profit, even.
@RubiksCube: The search key.
@cpt0bvius: Hearted.
@William Hook: Actually, yeah, this makes sense. Plus they'd be pretty! I picture some shiny metalic "all-in-one" body with a flush capacitive screen and minimal slits for your card, receipts, and cash. They would be gorgeous.