@gaius83: The fact that someone would be rummaging through it, I believe. The irony is that he threw it away and consequently disowned it.
@gaius83: The fact that someone would be rummaging through it, I believe. The irony is that he threw it away and consequently disowned it.
@Lazzzara: My only wish is that they'd play nice with dual monitors... they only show up on one. :-/
@oneshot719: For what OS? I know there's an indicator applet for Ubuntu. I'm not sure if one exists, but I'd look for a Growl plugin for Google Voice.
@Nano-Byte: My thoughts exactly. I remember checking my disk usage on Ubuntu with something nearly identical.
Whoops, typo!
I did this last year at my school with my Hero. Now I have an EVO and actually use most all of the 16 GEE BEEs for music and movies. Plus I graduated and have my own laptop, so meh. It was good while I did it though!
I tried typing a question, but got a whole bunch of crapped-out PHP after typing a question mark. Where are they getting this text? :/
@thnikkamax: Perhaps they should've mentioned installing Android on an iPhone or iPod touch? :)
@AquaScorpio: As does Fresh Evo by Flipz. :)
Cool! I think I found the perfect app to replace the old Doku wiki at my work!
@adhir: Have you seen it? It's ugly! Plus it's not open source, nor is it maintained by Canonical or the Ubuntu community.
@j.walk3: It used to create a fugly lens flare until you went to a different page.
@scokar: Really? There are Fortune 500 companies using Google Docs. Don't think they count for anything, do ya?
@tinkerer13: I do. As do many users. I have an old Mac Mini that is really slow with OS X 10.6, so I installed Ubuntu 10.04 and it runs very nicely. Using it now, in fact.
@scfaulkner: That's okay, he'll just get 'em with his... Gizmodoantiauthorinatorinator!
@sid9221: There's an option way down at the bottom: "Switch to basic version"
@Dogen: I have a Sprint section in the Market on my EVO, but they're definitely _not_ exclusive apps to Sprint.
@Joshua Bardwell: He forgot to add /s.