There is not enough Thorazine in the world for this level of crazy.
There is not enough Thorazine in the world for this level of crazy.
There was also this exchange, that I found to be wonderfully bonkers:
People who are obsessed with interracialism are most likely craving dark meat. People who are obsessed with morality are secret sinners. People who constantly go on about the queens usually want a rimjob and a good face-fuck.
Anyone that obsessed with gay and bi sex- 110% guaranteed. I’ll take the under.
Countdown to his Grindr profile being discovered in 3, 2...
You don’t develop this type of paranoid obsession with other people’s sexuality out of nowhere. I wonder what combination of brain pathology and fucked-up life experiences created this singular creep.
A president with a penis, like God intended. It’s going to be enough then.
We need to end the school-to-prison pipeline
The “aide” is actually MN Governor Mark Dayton.
When an affectionate term like dear is used by a stranger/person in a position of power it always comes off as super condescending to me.
Not if the GOP has anything to say about it.
A better question is, “You just found out your true love has been fucking a goat every three months. Are they still your true love?”
Are you then saying that you find the rest of the question perfectly reasonable?
holy moses my dad was talking about this just a week ago. he was basically all but shaming my mom for having me via c-section and thus robbing me of those potent microbiomes that have left me an emotionally bereft glutten-eating heathen of schlubbiness.
it’s called the naturalistic fallacy and i really wish people understood it.
Oh for FUCK’S SAKE. All these new birthing and child-rearing trends are fucking out of control.
I’m very sorry for what happened to you with your parents. That sounds dreadful.
I did not have “the talk”, not once. The sexual education I had went like this:
If you’re not eating something because you don’t like it, then you’re absolutely not who she’s getting at in this article. Chill out, she wasn’t getting a dig at you.