
Don’t. Go shopping!

Ewww I hate mommy-policing. My mom is the ultimate mommy-police. My sister will send out photos of the kids eating dinner in a group text and my mom will respond back with “ZOMG! The plate looks too hot, they will get 3rd degree burns. You should know better than to feed them hot food!”

Agreed. She and Chelsea Handler are aggressively unfunny.

I didn’t love this ad spot, but it’s been said before and still bears repeating: vote for your preferred candidate in the primary, but vote blue regardless in November. I’m so excited to have a chance to vote for Bernie on Tuesday, but I’ll also happily vote for Hillary in November if it means I get to vote against

I think the Karfamily are going to dump him in 6 months to a year and are slowly painting him the villain so that when it does happen, Saint Kimmy will emerge the poor, put-out wife.

I’m still (because I am delusional) holding out for a Happy Endings revival. As long as he’s working and I can watch, I’ll take him however I can get him.