You just knew there was more to the story, thanks for the clarification on why this guy was being put outed like this. Turns out he kinda deserves it.
Thought so. This has “dickhead’s neighbour finally finds a law that will stick” written all over it.
Ha!! I live around the corner from this guy!!!
You realize that starting right off the bat by comparing whatever they are doing to Nazis using curse words and all caps means that you look like a loon and I cant take anything you say seriously right?
So let’s review: for-profit prison companies contribute millions to election campaigns; those office holders pass more laws, (more laws->more offenses->more convictions->more inmates), federal government pays private prisons to house the inmates, who in turn manufacture goods for government contracts.
If you carefully read tge article, you’ll see that RPI staff forced prisoners to rework unfit helmets, and falsify QC reports they’d already correctly filled out. The problem here was ironically corrupt members of the Bereau of Prisons, not so much the prisoners themselves.
“We fight for your freedom”-the highest prison population in the world the u.s
Highray To The Danger Zone
My crash rate on Microsoft Flight Simulator is down to like 17% these days. I should totally apply.
I’m pretty sure you can save a bunch of math and just go on the assumption that the Camry is the Lowest Common Denominator of the automobile world, and therefore attracts the Lowest Common Denominator of drivers.
I Believe in Camry Dent
I too am a big fan of Hamilton. But I make sure to not follow any of his social media. I barely want to see him speak on the podium. But I was also a Kobe fan...
I sincerely love to watch Hamilton drive, but his embarrassingly manufactured public persona REALLY makes it hard for me to root for him. Looking at his Twitter feed makes me...
There is a fundamental insincerity to Lewis Hamilton that most of the greats have...
Clearly that the population of Britain consists of:
World? I think you wanted to say USA.
What a shit world we live in when the guy who wasn’t at fault in that wreck thinks he needs to put his hands behind his head just so he doesn’t get shot.
i think it’s pretty clear.
Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.