
I’m 30, building a new home with a 4 car garage plus an additional 800 sq/ft workspace for motorcycles in Chicago (city). I feel it still won’t be enough space for fun in life. There will never be a replacement for cars for CAR people. The joy, happiness, community, passion it inspires is sometimes the only thing a

are you Obsessed Garage?

Remember all those immature things you wanted to do in a car but didn’t want to do it in your own...that’s what rentals are for.

if your electronics run out of juice, you can use an external battery pack. quickly plug in and you have life. i think the same will happen for electric vehicles. Instead of pushing your car to the nearest gas station or getting a tow, you just plug in a charged external battery pack “in case of emergency.”

the disclaimer on cigarette packs has worked...

If Matt’s stock RS produced a lot more WHP than Snail’s stock RS, then I would claim that the Mustang dyno is anything but conservative. They are typically the higher reading dyno’s if one were to compare them.

if it had anything to do with Margot Robbie, i’ll send you my address.

this is fine with me...i thought it was funny. if this offends you, turn off the internet because this world isn’t for you.

i thought this was a pretty easy survey to take. i followed a few simple rules:

brilliant...well done (but possibly in ‘81) and possibly for the last time!

that sounds about right.

nothing says like rugged, adventurous, wagon hauling beast like a NON-DIESEL vehicle. give us a damn diesel you jerkoffs.

great read...thank you for this

forget american...BMW 2002, you’re welcome.

in the Fiesta driver’s defense...HE HAD HIS TURN SIGNAL ON!

i was going to post the same comment.

this guys just an average joe...not article worthy, sorry.

the only cool polo is the wrc polo...

i thought the general rule of thumb was that german cars are typical up-left, while japanese are down right, but that’s clearly not the case after seeing the Audi R8

if you are looking for an “investment” property, i wouldn’t start looking in Scumburg. The neighbors should’ve picked a nice yuppy neighborhood instead. You get what you pay for, and a big 25' trailer parked in the driveway fits the neighborhood perfectly!