You neglect to point out that Donald Trump has a bachelors degree in political science from Columbia, a law degree from Harvard, and was a lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School. Those are some impressive credentials for a leader!
You neglect to point out that Donald Trump has a bachelors degree in political science from Columbia, a law degree from Harvard, and was a lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School. Those are some impressive credentials for a leader!
So you are arguing that Trump is not an ameteur? Interesting. Especially since that was basically his whole campaign strategy,
It is really very simple. Anything bad that happens is Obama’s fault for another few months. After that, it is either the fault of the minority democrats in congress, or the liberal controlled press.
Actually, I kind of hate read it for the exact same reason and was pleasantly surprized :P
Yeah egg on my face for my post. I realized what it was pretty much immediately after I replied, I had mentally checked out after the part I quoted and responded too. I have grown so used to hearing lies and bullshit spouted by people about Obama that I saw those obbiously not true statements in an angry tone and…
Do yourself a favor and substitute “Trump” for “Obama” in that whole post.
You should have kept reading, it was hilarious.
I lose the burner pwords as soon as I write them down, so I now have three separate accounts. I got a BSOD on my work computer the other day and lost an account/user name I had for years. {sad face}.
Haha “
you can go fuck yourself. you aren’t a patriot, just a conspiracy believing turd. Amateur hour at the white house started January 20th, with the racist loud mouth currently ruining our nation.
What the fuck are you talking about? I will give you credit for using mostly proper grammar, which is a rarity for trump-lovers. But since Obama couldn’t blame Bush, then trump can’t blame Obama. Get it? Or are you upset because a black man stole your girlfriend years ago, so now you’re racist? That’s a serious…
The problem is that trump supporters won’t get the joke. SAD!
Not sure if you’re a troll or an idiot. I will presume that you’re a troll since an idiot would actually try to defend this level of inaccuracy.
GOP demands Obama do something about Syria.
I think angry insult rants are juvenile and do nothing to further the conversation.
Employees involved in an internal investigation of a U.S. contractor in Iraq found evidence that employees for the…