What is this "KKK"?

What does political affiliation have to do with it?

Pssst... Don’t call them dumb. Snowflakes can’t take it.

Same as Christians.

no shit sherlock? We are the majority.

Oh yeah, makes more sense to have the dumbest Americans be in charge. Complete sense.

I first read this and thought: “Ha-ha! Good sarcasm there dude.”

It isn’t terrorism if you’re white. Duh.

Congratulations France! The majority of Americans understand the problem is not hate, walls or bombing each other. Sadly our system is very flawed and we ended up with an orange cheeto in charge.

How is it sad? The majority voted for him. That’s what they wanted. Just like the majority voted for Hilary but our disgusting relic of a election system failed us once again.

An Odd statement considering our Founding Fathers were liberal.

What a relief. Le Pen was a truly terrifying prospect as a President. I’m sure our own leadership is disappointed very badly.

I’m curious how many Muslim women you know. You clearly believe in standing up for Muslim women but seem to also think your way is the only right way.

You neglect to point out that Donald Trump has a bachelors degree in political science from Columbia, a law degree from Harvard, and was a lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School. Those are some impressive credentials for a leader!

So you are arguing that Trump is not an ameteur? Interesting. Especially since that was basically his whole campaign strategy,

It is really very simple. Anything bad that happens is Obama’s fault for another few months. After that, it is either the fault of the minority democrats in congress, or the liberal controlled press.

Do yourself a favor and substitute “Trump” for “Obama” in that whole post.

You should have kept reading, it was hilarious.

Haha “