
Thank you for mentioning that - I’ve had it on my resistance to-do list and I need to sign up tonight! I’m glad to hear it’s a positive experience.

Consider this comment a star - I starred it and it took one away! Dang it, Kinja.

That is horrifying and also kinda great... the devil up top going “I don’t even know, man!” and the face in his pelvis looking like he’s ready to kickstomp someone with those hooves.

Somehow the phrase “a grinning Trump” is what makes me nauseated. I mean, this story is all-over grotesque, but the mental image of the grin really is that extra step of awful.

Thanks for the laugh - I was SO confused for a minute before I scrolled down to see that you’d intentionally put that version in!

Oh that is gorgeous!! What is the greenery made out of? It looks like chocolate, or fondant maybe?

That is a deeply disturbing header image.

I’m so sorry about your husband. I lost my partner that way too, and I’m still getting used to being alone. I’m not sure, yet, if it’s what I want, or if the options out there are just disappointing. The possibility of getting into another emotionally and physically draining relationship scares me off, too. But it’s

I’m trying to go high, but every single photo here makes me want to vomit. If his actions weren’t so repulsive maybe he wouldn’t appear to be so repellant?

And it was SUCH a thing for a little while! Like, tan-suit levels of outrage. You would’ve thought Obama had abandoned his motorcade to ride around in the Grey Poupon limousine* and harass people on the street.

In the shot of them all running, she almost looks like she’s got Pietro Maximoff’s style - the dark roots and bleached blonde/silver tips. Her wigs have all been pretty terrible.

Those poor buttons are under a LOT of strain.

Thanks but no thanks. Though I am curious who would narrate that future possible audiobook.

I have a few difficult ‘lasts’ coming up this week as well. Hope you get some time where you don’t have to be the strong one - even if just for a few minutes.

I don’t have a lot of advice to help but I’m sorry you’re in that situation. If you’re worried about how to end your time with her, remember that she is a professional and should not take it personally.

Intellectually, I know that. But emotionally... I’m Charlie Brown believing Lucy won’t pull the football this time.

With some sort of teaser from Mueller on Friday afternoon so they can spend all of Saturday and Sunday sweating bullets? Yes. I would greatly enjoy that.

I think so. And that is total BS. Ms. Frizzle would drag Betsy onto the Magic School Bus, shrink her down, and leave her to rot in Steve Bannon’s lower intestine if she knew what Betsy was doing to the U.S. education system.

Thank you for taking one for the team and watching this so the rest of us don’t have to. It’s easier to read your description... though even that makes my stomach churn. I don’t think any amount of rehearsal could make him look like a real person if he’s reading something that’s not vile and petty.

That Tomi Lahren tweet...