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Has anyone taken him up on that offer? I was aware it existed, but don't know if anyone forked over the immense sack of cash

Ok, I guess that's an option too, then


With what? Whats the last mid engine manual? The r8, and it’ll stuggle to handle this v8s output, probably. Zonda refused, Ferrari, McLaren, nsx, koningsegg (sp, obviously). The parts don't exist

If the Mets had this injury record, they'd have more losses than games played

I this the last gated shifter?

My 2001 Miata has cruise but no abs. Forget stability or traction control. 

God damn that's bad

O my god, I loved those games. Could be two trash teams on their way to relegation, but two slightly (or more) drunk English soccer fans hollering at their teams as the broadcast was entertaining as hell. Like the Mystery Science Theater of sports

Fox sports says 20M for women this year, 25M for the one before. If your men’s number is accurate, then as many watch the women, if not more.

My comment wasn't clear, and was just trying to compare the amount of people that watch the women's national team compete versus the men's national team compete. The women's league shouldn't even enter into that conversation. If the league isn't financially viable, don't subsidize it

Yeah, my comment was referring just to the national team pay bit. Mixing the league salaries is in a separate bit.

Yeah, not clear in my comment. I think you should compare what Americans watch the uswnt and usmnt, and pay accordingly. Since the women make the finals, and the men didn't even make the cup, pay the women, for fucks sake

I was talking world cup to world cup, not including the league. And including world wide viewers isn't the point, the rest of the world doesn't pay the national teams. How many Americans watch the men's national team, and how many Americans watch the women's? They are comparable, if not in favor of the women's. Pay

Except when you look at the number of tv viewers for the women's finals, people do watch. The numbers support it.

Your first paragraph is perfect

Eh, Mets fan, red Sox, braves whoever, you gotta respect Rivera

Maybe the Alfa you have that was built 22 years ago has little to do with the current ones, and yours can be completely reliable while newer ones are piles of shit? I think both are possible,  right? No need to be defensive. I had a perfectly reliable 2005 Cooper S. By all accounts the next generates a piece of trash.

Do those exceptions needed to be granted ahead of time?

That’s a good point. It should be: do you have an explanation?