Cash Rewards

Could you imagine shit like this in the US? How would the NFL handle this? Ban the raiders?

Why the homophobia?

That soundtrack will be stuck in my head for the next week

Now playing

Never a bad time for the John Cena prank call

I’ve always wondered why my car doesn’t turn into an airboat. Finally!

The argument I would (and do) make is that Eli was very rarely at his best. But when he was, it was usually at the right time, and it was better than damn near everyone else’s. I think that throw in the highlight above exemplifies that. Romo isn’t making that throw. Not rothlesburger. Maybe breeze, maybe Rogers. It’s

I don’t care who you put behind that line and with those receivers, they are going to look like they suck. How could you honest evaluate Webb in this offense?

Yeah, that shit happens at public schools too.

If not, why would there be a name for: an upper decker

That’s why Richard Pryor has a writer credit on the film. He. Approved ever use of the N word, supposedly.

Good God, that FBI interviewer is not a job I could manage. Imagine talking to all these girls, hearing statements like Raisman made, and knowing that these girls were abused even while the girls themselves didn’t. How you don’t go off and just kill the guy yourself is incredible.

Stop weakening my resolve to start rooting for the Knicks again. I just can’t.... Dolan’s so bad....

The announcers gave a stat at the start of the match that, through all 17 games for city they’ve scored 50 and conceded 10. That’s staggering.

Your answer to the owner question makes James Dolan both one of the best (rangers) and worst (Knicks) in pro sports!

Dear God yes, it’s terrible in DC metro. In NYC, not so much, as I’ve seen cops standing in intersections and will ticket you on the spot as soon as your dumb inconsiderate ass gets stuck in the box. It’s wonderful.

Why? Wouldn’t nothing happen without spark plugs?

It’s true, an odd mix. I blame my dad for making me a Mets fan

Fear the turtle!

I’m a Mets, giants, rangers, and (I guess) the Knicks fan. My college football team had it’s starting and backup qbs suffer season ending injuries. Throw in the usmnt, and my sports outlook is bleak.

Taco bamboo is the answer you’re looking for