All the internet stars for this comment. Thank you.
All the internet stars for this comment. Thank you.
Only people with Ph. D.’s in a subject are allowed to have an opinion on that subject? Fuck outta here, ad hominem troll.
And those neighborhoods were so peace-loving and crime-free before the Olympics. An outrage, law enforcement enforcing the law.
One of the stupidest fucking Kardashian articles I’ve ever read. Ironically, it was written as lamely as the show it’s reviewing and with the same style of fault: it can’t make up its mind what its perspective is supposed to be. Here’s a perspective for you: fuck all of the Kardashians, and fuck Jezebel’s milquetoast…
We’re ALL gonna DIE oh my GOD.
That’s Jezebel for you.
I realize I’m two years late to the conversation, but you......what is the next step beyond “missing the point”? Because that’s what you just did. With a retractable roof, you do control the weather — or at least to the point where it doesn’t affect game play.
You knew that, right?
Bingo, on all points. It’s sad shit all around.
Literary privilege??? LITERARY PRIVILEGE???? Listen, you Jezebel cunt: it’s spelled. l-i-t-e-r-a-c-y. It’s not a fucking privilege, it’s something you gain through study and hard work. Go fuck yourself up your woke ass.
It depresses me that, by a country mile, you wrote the most interesting and helpful and thoughtful and well-written comment in this thread so far.....and that I just gave it its first star. Jesus, fuck this site sometimes. Thank you for actually taking the time and effort to write that, seriously.
ETA: who cares that…
Well, at least you actually put time and effort into your response this time. You’re not correct but you’re in the ballpark: my goal indeed wasn’t to actually substantively discuss the issue, but it wasn’t to insult you either. Well, I mean......ok yes, I definitely was insulting your responses, but to also try to…
Oh, stop it. This is Gakwer Media. Ain’t nobody stopping to check facts or question their own assumptions. The goal is to sound witty and woke, not to actually think hard about difficult questions. You must be new here.
ETA, the same one I always feel like I have to make: I’m a two-time Obama voter and a 2016 Clinton…
Except you’re not. This will SHOCK YOU, but white people have been executed in Texas. The rate of execution by race as compared to the population at large is whacked the fuck out, yes. That’s a fact, yes. And if no white people were ever executed well then yes, you would indeed obviously be correct. But they have been…
OK, I say this as a two-time Obama voter and a 2016 Clinton voter:
1) If you actually seriously fucking think that logic can’t be “cogent” without love.........holy fucking shit, lady. Take some 300 level logic courses, and THEN come back and comment on education policy. Dude I am on the same side of the political…
Deleting my own comment, because there’s battles worth picking, and others not so much.
I think, after all my years of reading Gawker Media, I just finally can put my finger on what it is about you that nauseates me. There are great journalists, there are great writers who are journalists. Very very few, which is a different number than zero. But it’s not in your nature to acknowledge that. You’re the…
Because Jezebel is cool, man, you can tell by the unexplained pointless nasty tone here. You DO know that that’s how you communicate to your readership that you’re cool and trendy and trending, right, by being pointlessly mean about things like modern art which in reality is a fuck of a lot more important than a…
I want to stuff cash in an envelope and mail it to you for this comment. THANK YOU.
And oh yes & Jesus wept YUP THEY BUILT A FREAKING CASINO IN FREAKING SCHENECTADY, yes indeed. That casino and the Rotterdam aquarium were both originally planned to be built next to each other, in the relatively more affluent part of the C.D. where I live. Yeah I’m bitter about that, but even beyond my bitterness it…