
I don’t want to read this headline.

When I opened the box there were only a couple of fat lion crackers and some crumbs.

“Obviously, though, this serves as yet another head-rattling knock against Valve’s decision to open Steam’s floodgates wider than ever.” On the contrary, the flood of reviews warning users about the potential malware and the resulting articles show that valve is right to let users identify these issues and make

The various GMG sites also engage in shadow banning. The only thing I don’t care for about it is, you have no way to appeal and it seems to be forever. I’ve moderated communities before and frankly, that seems harsh and arbitrary. One post someone doesn’t like and poof, you’re screaming into the void forever.

Isn’t shadow banning something that happens here too?

There’s supposedly a second half of the game that intertwines all the characters together but is easily missable according to an Itialian website reddit mentioned. 

Blacks had 200 wypipo-free years to get their shit together in Haiti.  The absence of whites should have been a blessing to them. Instead all it proves is that blacks are completely incapable of upholding white standards of civilization in the absence of whites, and instead inevitably revert to the “African mean”. 

You have quite the imagination. 

It’s not “the Iowa teen”. It’s “the Mexican national”. He is a Mexican citizen. Stop declaring other countries’ citizens your citizen.

Good move, Valve. A platform should be an agnostic canvas for artists, not a playing field for corporations to push their morals on others. 

Here’s my question:

Gimme a break! Like you’ve never thought about recruiting for a sex cult.

Today I went to a clothing store to see if they had a shirt in the color I wanted. When the clerk looked up my purchasing history in the system, he could not locate my last transaction, and also noted that my phone number was incorrectly entered in the system. Therefore, I, too, am undocumented.

...honestly, it just kinda amuses me that the appropriation of a Japanese word is being banned because... of how it’s being appropriated by black people >_>.


Pot, meet Kettle.

its not hard to follow, he feels there is no actual sexism, but since it has attractive women in it, it could trigger some who have low threshold on it(some would say, kotaku) so its warning if you have a hair trigger. i have no opinion since I am unlikely to ever play it, but thats just what i get from it.

I get your point, but see it differently.

That whole set of definitions is “about focusing on race.”

Please explain how cracker or wypipo holds anywhere near the same history of actual oppression