fuck anyone who thinks the Clermont Lounge was ever a good time.
fuck anyone who thinks the Clermont Lounge was ever a good time.
I agree. But it’s basic psychology to offer a compliment before you call out a flaw. Even if there are no true compliments to offer.
And your journalistic legacy will be that of spitting on the grave of those whose politics you disagree with.
Not sure I’d call pokemon go with a kanto map a yellow remake. But you do you.
Woman was assaulted (actually hit in the head) on the bus for asking them to turn down the music.
Yer face is wrong.
But...Belichick isn’t in Madden.
I agree to an extent, but my #1 issue is the music. This game has none. What little you do hear is nostalgia trips because you recognize those songs from previous games. Your typical gamer can be found humming the song of storms from the N64 games. The ocean and dragon roost island themes have been played and remixed…
$100 says he did all that himself. He’s not getting enough donations lately in his cult business, so if he “paints” himself the victim of racism, people will give him more free money for telling fairy tales.
Are california cars fireproof?
You only think it’s a dumb idea because it came out of Trump’s mouth. The air force is already effectively the space force. And cyber warfare force. And most of the intelligence in the armed forces. With China and Russia ramping up anti-satellite weapons production, it’s not explicitly awful to make the existing guys…
Games get cancelled for various reasons all the time. Doesn’t result in getting sued.
Having one of Bob Ross’ landscape paintings on a projector doesn’t mean they’re working on elder scrolls 6.
Nah. No one wants single player games anymore and they aren’t even working on elder scrolls 6. Everyone’s playing fortnite and overwatch. Bethesda knows they won’t make any money of elder scrolls 6 or fallout 5 if it’s single player only. They’re trying to find a multiplayer formula that works so they can put single…
More like how GTA Online means GTA6 will have no single player campaign.
Radiant Dawn was the apex of the series’ story telling and character development. (Ignoring Ike, who will always be a bland pile of muscle.) It’s a shame that it’s been sacrificed for the eugenics simulator 3DS games.
I think I’m going to vote green party next election.
Micaiah where?
Perhaps one day, if esports ever gets accepted by the world at large, they’ll be able to hire someone to wear the mascot costume rather than force the players to wear it.
And when you get sick from salmonella, do you sue the grocery store you bought it from?