
Here’s the deal. It’s possible to have male power fantasies and also be supportive and enthusiastic for empowered women in real life too. When you play mario you don’t think about goomba rights. You don’t spend your time mulling over if it might be genocide to wipe out a hostile alien race. It’s all fantasy.

Same level of sexism as mario.

Somehow I think the driving factor is that few people actually want to go live in a desert.

Please change your user name to broken_record. You aren’t even reading.

If you run the extreme left 36-year-old undocumented transvestite commie that you want to run, you’ll lose. For the next 100 years you’ll lose.

I already outlined benefits, and I’ll give another. Everyone gets a free backpack. I dislike wearing ties, and there’s no functional use for them at all. Like the highschool kids, I think they look stupid too. Doesn’t mean I get to avoid wearing them at specific functions.

That would just make my day.

Not liking them isn’t really a good reason. Nor is it one that is worth considering. Kids don’t like going to school, but they still have to go. The backpacks have value in that they’re creating another obstacle. It’s just a little bit harder to hide things in them and that can go beyond gun deterrence. It’s that much

What’s your actual argument? You’re saying they’re too fragile to be loose in the backpack. So if you have to keep them in a rigid container anyways, what does it matter if the backpack is clear?

You’d have to be a total idiot to sign on Kaepernick. It would make national news and enemies for your business within an hour. That’s just how it works.

You wrote five really long paragraphs about how it’s too much trouble to put tampons in an opaque container that fits in a backpack. I’m honestly astounded that you would spend so much energy justifying being that lazy.

No, see I was nice and gave you an answer first even though it was your turn. And asked you to give me one. You failed. As you’re incapable of common courtesy in a debate, you deserve no further attention.

Performance in QA is all numbers. If you have the best numbers, you are the best. Odd for you to be offended by that.

They won’t. Now as I’ve answered you, do me the courtesy of answering me.

So because of this it’s unreasonable to use clear backpacks? Give me an actual reason why the packs are bad. Don’t let your argument be that they don’t solve the issue. The people working for the school can’t take guns away from people who don’t even attend the school to begin with. Tell me why the packs are harmful.

Being effective isn’t the point. It’s there so that some students might feel safer. That’s all it is.

Tampons fit in pencil boxes. You’re whining about trivial things.

I expect other, better arguments. Like that the packs probably wouldn’t help much to begin with. The shooter was an alumni who walked onto campus uninhibited with a duffel bag.

Even if he responds, he’ll just deflect the question again. If he intended to answer, he would have answered within the context of both terms.

In summary: