Casey Samuels

Django Unchained on TV? I count six shots Brother, I count two guns, brother.

I could watch any other movie with MALKOVICH in it. So this watch this segment has been turned into I will either watch Con Air, Being John Makovich or In the Line of fire again.

Stop killing my childhood!

Funny, I'm 21 and I have never watched a minute of NBC lately.

Ah, the new dream team can't win this case with that kind of evidence.

DMX kills people with his acting.

Well if the glove fits.

If the glove fit, you must acquit.

And the movie didn't even do that well here, most of the income from the movie came from Japan.


I don't think so. Star Trek by the way did better than After Earth and Elysium. Certainly didn't piss this fanboy off. Oblivion did good only because Tom Cruise is a marketable star. After Earth and Elysium if I remember didn't do that well at the box office. Star Trek into darkness didn't really piss off any existing

Part of it as well is that Chris Pratt is probably not a recognizable actor among the general public and all of the really recognizable ones are either voices or hidden behind makeup.

Also you have Blade which is not a real known character til the Wesley Snipes movies. That was certainly a risky move basing a movie around his character, but it paid off. But that has more to do with probably Wesley Snipes.

Now you kind of are taking it a little too far. We all know that Commercial marketing is a rather thankless job and I could be hard press to not feel sorry for the poor schmucks who have to come up with this on a deadline.

As he squeezes the life out of you.


The antichrist on Lifetime? Well only Satan could be responsible for Dance Moms, so it makes sense.

We all know Gary Busey spends time golfing with racist equally crazy Mel Gibson.

Tron wasn't that much of a failure, it wasn't a skyrocketing success but it wasn't John Carter or Lone Ranger.

But honestly tell me if Iron Man was that well known before 2008.