
Have you reached out to the police department for comment? There are a lot of broad, sweeping generalizations made here about their motives. Sure, it may be propaganda, but NPR did an interview with the department and asked them questions on their reasoning. The primary reasoning was that there is a drug epidemic in

You’re way off if you think the difference between what Chicago offered and what Miami offered is equal after income tax is factored in. Granted there is no income tax in Florida; however, professional athletes have to pay the state income tax for salary made while playing on the road in each state. Couple that with

Barry unfortunately you are missing a huge portion of this story ignoring the fact that Bosh, LeBron, and Wade all have the same agent. Thus, when Bosh essentially leveraged the Heat to pay him the max to keep him from going to Houston, the agent got his money at the expense of Wade getting his. When Wade opted out of

If you’re a federal employee, especially on the GS scale, this does not apply to you. Which is sad =/

It’s funny you thinks it’s just boys that use those words, especially ‘bitch’

I find your last sentence ironic. In trying to address vulgar and offensive language that presumes about others, you’ve addressed “BOYS” as the culprits. I see plenty of females on Kinja, other social media, and IRL using all of these phrases.

I’m seriously having a hard time seeing what the problem is here. Someone inform me.

it doesn’t matter if it’s a swimsuit, yoga pants, athleisure suit... we’re still looking at 14-19 year old women in the wrong way. the character of a young woman has nothing to do with what her body looks like and whatever the hell she is wearing.

i don’t know what you mean here? I played my entire life through college for what it’s worth, and if you are trying to say that players typically don’t give a shit when one of their actions leads directly to an ump being badly injured I’d like some proof please. That dude is a dickhole plain and simple.

Wow, what a dick. You lose control of your bat, and whack the umpire square in the dome, see him clearly in pain and likely injured, see the catcher checking to see if he is OK and calling over help, and you just casually strole over to pick up the bat and walk away?

“Full discosure: I make 6 figures.”

The online chodes who lead off with how much money they make when nobody asked either A. don’t make that much money or B. have no friends in real life to talk with about how much money they have, so they have to go brag online to people they’ve never met who don’t give a fuck about how much money some dipshit

This is the weirdest brag I’ve ever read online

Shame your computer science degree didn’t teach you how to not be a twat.

except that a liberal arts major knows to put the period inside the quotation marks.

Have you ever seen someone score a touchdown in the NFL? If a bat flip while looking into your own dugout gets you upset, you probably shouldn’t watch the NFL or NBA because a touchdown dance or an NBA player thumping their chest and flexing for the cameras after an and-1 might give you an aneurysm.

At what point in the children’s game can we start physically attacking the other players for succeeding? I don’t know. That’s for the crying babies filling their diapers about it to decide I guess.

Bombs against Boston rarely go over well

Serious question: How many of you would watch the shit out of an HBO drama series that's based on the last few years of the territory days/the beginning of Vince's rise to prominence where the main character was a fictional amalgam of Bret Hart but with Kevin Von Erich's tragic family?